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McClain718 got a reaction from Patricia in Blowing coils?
I'm having trouble with both of these issues!!! I have been going through burnt coil after coil with my Protank, even after just one day. Now I just changed out to a new coil and don't have an ounce of suction, it's like trying to suck up a sock. But oh, I'm lucky enough to get a mouth full of juice! Yuck!! So I changed coils, I loosened it, I tightened it, I put in another new coil, then another. I totally took the tank apart and washed all parts in warm water (which runs through everything just fine in water), I changed the settings, I changed to a new battery...nothing is working!! Please, please help! I don't want to have to smoke any cigs:-(
McClain718 reacted to bluesurfboy in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
I had a kanger pro tank 2 i was using and noticed it would gurgle and the juice was dissapearing out of the tank, I found it to be leaking, completely disassembled, tightened cores, checked seals, reassembled, and sure enough after sitting a few minutes the juice level was lower and vaping was gurgled and spitting. I went back to the shop after taking apart, wasting juice and time 4-5 times. It would do this everytime after vaping and sitting (i know the kanger tanks may apear to lose fill on initial filling, but it kept dropping each time i picked it up, and not because i was vaping alot.
They said to try on wattage mode (I was using a iTazteVV) - I dont know why it would make a difference, but leaking stops. vaping density is more consistent throughout the draw instead of spitty and "static-y" in voltage mode..
Has anyone else experienced this or is this just me?
and is there a reason/explanation for why this might happen?
McClain718 reacted to wizard46304 in Recommend a "pocket" vaporizer?
Or just stop caring about people looking at you. I prefer to deploy the bird while i take a vape when people stare at me. Maybe not a great recommendation for you, but it works well for me.
McClain718 reacted to Bebop in Blowing coils?
You can test how tight the coil is by drawing thru it before you install it.
The coil itself sits in the air path after its installed.
If the coil is fine at first but then gets tighter you probably have build up on the coil. When you clean the coil you have to force water thru it. If you wait too long between cleanings you may not be able to clean the build up without taking the coil apart.
If the coil is fine on the test but then is tight after install then something is blocking the airpath and its not the coil.
McClain718 reacted to Patricia in Blowing coils?
I am having the same problem. I've tried different boxes of coils, all Kanger, just different boxes. It is definitely the tanks. A few other forum members have mentioned it too. I wish I could figure out a way to fix the problem. Some start pulling so tight I just have to toss them and some just blow. Only on 2 out of the 4 I bought. : (