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  1. I had planned on learning a lot more before buying the mod and right Now I hace a e go twist with a pro tank 2 on it. thanks for ur advice I really apreciate it
  2. Hey guys i am new to vaping and the vap world. I Was smoking a pack a day untill my bother introduced me to the vap life. I was looking into buying a mod and just realy wanted to know more about it first so if anyone could break it down for me or guide me somewhere that could i would be greatfull. Also if u guys could give me some good advise or tips and trick I would really apreiciate it. And if u would be able to help me understand it all. My brother is going to a big vapor convention in febuary and i might be going with him so im just trying to get a little more info on vaping so i know what im talking about when i go.
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