Looks like you already ordered - I have been squonking on RDAs for years - love it
For new squonkers I always recommend the Kanger DripBox ~$25 https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10014058/4388802-authentic-kangertech-dripbox-e-cigarette-starter
The included RDA is garbage - but it can be rebuilt to taste (I prefer ~.4 ohm Dual Coil Kanthal builds)
My favorite Squonk RDA is the Derringer https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10012406/4567302-derringer-v3-styled-rda-rebuildable-dripping
with a Squonk Pin - BF RDA Replacement Contacts (about middle of the page) http://fatdaddyvapes.com/shop.html I use the M3 more than the M2.5 (but I typically keep both in stock for trying new RDAs with Velocity style decks)
My second and third favorite Squonk RDAs are https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10033130/7638600-authentic-vandy-vape-pulse-rda-rebuildable https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10021547/4813300-hastur-v2-styled-rda-rebuildable-dripping-atomizer
I used FastTech for reference, but typically I buy from US resellers if possible
I have tried a bunch of Squonk Mods from ~$10 mechanicals to ~$100 regulated, the simple Kanger DripBox v1 has been the best one for pocket size, battery life, reliability, and toughness
As for the practice / usage - just remember 1-2 puffs, squonk (rinse and repeat)
Good luck on your vaping journey!