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    goober got a reaction from Tam in how do i post in classifieds?   
    yea i will probably stay away from trying to sell anything on here for now. Trust will most certainly be a big concern. There will always be next year though!
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    goober reacted to Tam in how do i post in classifieds?   
    Hey, Jeff? I just rechecked the forum rules and there's nothing that states you need a minimum of 10 posts before you can put something up on the classifieds thread. Maybe add that for future reference?
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    goober reacted to Jeffb in how do i post in classifieds?   
    You need to have at least 10 posts to post in the classifieds. Be forewarned that new comers don't usually have much luck selling. i f your here just to sell shit, then go away.
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