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Posts posted by Bigjim

  1. LoL, I hear ya Joe! Not sure whats going on with these batteries, but I can't complain after a few months of solid use. So far, I have a dead atty, a couple stinky atty's and a weird eGo battery sittin' in the grave yard. As soon as I get a few more wacky/dead things, I'm sending them out to whomever it was that was looking for experimental items. I can't seem to find that post, was it Jolly? Let me know who that was so I can rename the Grave-yard to the "_____Bowl"!

  2. When I first started with Vaping, I noticed I was feeling a little zoned-out. I'm a pretty healthy guy, and in-tune with my body. I knew this feeling was from vaping, just wasn't sure what about it that was causing it. I was using 16mg pg. I was a pretty heavy smoker, about 2pk/day. I have a feeling that Vaping gives you a more pure, cleaner hit of nicotine that your body needs to adjust to a little bit. I noticed this same feeling whan I was trying the "patch" back in the day. Anyway, I don't get zoned out anymore and I even mix higher mg nic levels in here and there.

    I would definitely get checked out if it concerns you.

  3. I agree Jolly, they don't seem to have much purpose. I do like the battery indicator concept though. I know the Joker led will change color when the battery changes to a different voltage (if I read that right) and I think that's an awesome idea. For typical vapin' an led is kinda pointless. I, however, plan to scoop up a birthday unit in the next couple months, and I'm looking for the biggest, baddest, device that I can be proud of! Something that shoots stars out of it every time I toot on it! Something that lights up like a disco-ball when in use! LoL Something that says for itself, "Must be a special night tonight, he's bringin' out the rocket ship"! LoL, other than that, out and about, no LED needed. ;)

  4. Assuming we're supposed to avoid sharing our own sob-story, recent life-bumbin' testimony's,

    I have to nominate FtJoe. I know first hand, he is genuinely devoted to keeping the vapers vapin' and off the analogs. He's helped me out in the past and I know he's help out others. Joe's the one who pretty much introduced me to PiF concept a while back, and for that, I thank you Joe! :) It is an awesome feeling!

    Nice PiF Stirfry! Creative and thought out, good job!

  5. He's on to something here. I know in MI ya can't smoke anywhere anymore, and the smokers that are really into shooting pool, bowling, darts or any other indoor stuff are bumbin' big time. People spend big $$$ on equipment for these pass-times and those who do, probably don't mind buying another nice piece of quality gear to enable them to continue on, worry-free. Especially from a name they trust and hold in high regards already. I know a dude who dropped hundreds on a nice set of darts. If that company came out with a vapor device, he'd buy it just because he knows the quality and workmanship behind their stuff.

  6. I guess I can imagine that Joe, I did play DnD once with a buddy back in the day. Was all reading, all up to the imagination. Kinda cool I suppose, but on a computer? Was there any graphics? Did it at least read it to you?

    I actually bought the Pong console from a garage sale a few years back. That was different, an entire console, just for Pong! LoL

    Atari was by far, the Grand Poobah of video games. Talk about a cutting edge of its time! Thank you Atari for breaking the ice and plowing the way!

  7. Man, I was really not planning to enter this at all but considering you're talking to a broke man about much needed atty's and hardware, I can't hold out! I'm guessing 196 drips! :) I'll send juices to the second place dood! LoL!

  8. Yeah, with WoW it seems ya either love it or hate it. There's really no gray area. I've been playin' it, pretty much, since it's release, I'm totally bored with it, yet still have the tendency to get on there almost daily and do the same 'ol stuff over and over again! LoL! Guess it's the addictive personality. Better than Bar Hopin' and keeps me outta trouble I suppose, LoL!

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