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Everything posted by Bigjim

  1. The only issue I have with them, is they cant seem to keep up with me! If ya hit it too many times in a row, ya burn the wick. Then everything has that burnt taste. Yuk!
  2. Confirmed! WOOHOO! I tried just about everything, and nothing worked as good as some old fashioned coke-a-cola! Thanks again for sharing!
  3. This post had my ears perking up... http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/10993-kickbassvapor-vape-placid-tobacco/
  4. Thats bad to hear. I ordered from them about six months back and was satisfied with their quality per pricing. You get what ya pay for... I veered away looking for higher quality over the past several months. I just revisited their site yesterday and placed an order due to lack of funds. Man, I really hope they didnt change their recipes. I ordered Caramel Tobacco, which was pretty satisfying a while back, Cotton Candy, Butterscotch, and a few others...
  5. Good idea, thx for sharing! I've been trying all sorts of things with little luck at all. I will be trying this!
  6. Can't beat the free shipping!
  7. Yeah, was just thinking this. Menthol and a coffee might be pretty dern tasty!
  8. Haha, I hear that Mike! I can totally relate. Hey, I have an idea... maybe record yourself jammin' out on your guitar, toss it into the Lounge section... I bet that would start some fun! I know there's a few musicians here that would jump on that thread and have some fun too! Doesn't always have to be about vapin'
  9. Don't hesitate to confront them! That is your home, you pay the rent, and you have the right to be able to rest. If ya never confront them, they might not even know they're bothering anyone. Ya don't have to be a prick about it, just let them know that you need certain, reasonable hours of peace and quiet. Who knows, ya might even get an apology and some respect to boot. If they act like idiots about it, keep your cool and file complaints to the landlord (and let the landlord know that the police will be called if it keeps up). I supervised an apartment complex for many years, you'd be surprised how many evictions I've seen due to uncooperative residents ignoring their landlords warnings about excessive noise. It's kind of stupid, but better them leaving than you! Follow the proper channels, it's your home, you're untouchable, (especially if the police know whats going on). Good Luck!
  10. Awesome, you're going to love the eGo with direct dripz! Here's a video on dripping, I couldn't recommend it more! Direct-Dripping
  11. Ohhh, didn't even think of the Print at Home thing, Thanks for the idea! LoL, yeah, the "RY4 Type" concentrate, it's called, from PA. I know taste is subjective, but I taste plastic! It's probably my lack of mixing skills. I'm kinda big and clumsy, and not to sure what I'm doing. I'd rather give it to someone who's more experienced in mixing, maybe they can make it work. 15ml of concentrate is a lot to go to waste, but that's what I get for not trying the smaller bottle first! Sorry for the LoL
  12. Damn Hodge... You're mixed up!
  13. My last post got me thinking... Is it ok to ship ejuice? The last time I was at the post office, to ship out my last failed purchase for trade, the lady asked me if the package contained any of this, that and the other thing, or any liquid. Just as she said that, I noticed a sign behind her saying "Is your package safe?" and had a list of stuff, that I couldn't read. In fear of shipping denial, I lied and answered no. When shipping ejuice, do ya just tell them you are sending liquid? I was afraid that they would want to open the box and check it all out, then possibly deny the shipping because it contains nicotine. Can anyone relate?
  14. Excellent! I was waiting to hear more about these, thanks for posting! I'm gonna have to check them out!
  15. My first impression was bell peppers, then kind of a tea flavor/tobacco thing. It kind of changes after vaping it a while. Weird, LoL!
  16. Now there's love for his community! You're a good man, Chris!
  17. I've tried RY4 from WordUp as well as Electronicstix, and it's pretty dern tasty! I recently bought a bottle of RY4 concentrate, to mix myself, and it tastes like a band-aid. Kinda like plastic-vinyl, no RY4 resemblance at all. Maybe whomever ya bought it from, uses this as well, LoL!
  18. Received the order Saturday, fast delivery, awesome! This really is a lot of concentrate for the money! So far, I noticed a big difference in vaping the juice right after mixing and waiting overnight. I highly recommend waiting a day. I started with the DK Tobacco Base and it's nothing like 555, but it is a decent vape. I really cant think of anything that might go well with it, but it does seem to need something mixed in. I mixed at around 7% flavor. The RY4 was next and mixed at a recommended (to me) 5%. Couldn't taste a thing, even after waiting overnight. I added another 5 drops (to my 5ml mix) and waiting until tomorrow to taste it. Waffle, mixed at 2:1 with Maple Syrup, is absolutely mouth watering! By far my favorite of the three. I'm not sure what % the flavor content was, I just added 12 total drops to a 3ml bottle, so whatever that equals. I will be doing more ratio/flavor amount experimenting to see what works best. There's a lot here to play with, so it will be ongoing for a while! Yay! For the record, butter flavor is much like movie theater butter, very salty, not meant for waffles! I guess I should have read up a little more before ordering some of this. The Tobacco Absolute (2. Diluted), I've now read that ya need to dilute the already 50% diluted mix like 2 drops/10ml and then use 2 of those drops per 10ml liquid finished product! That's what I call stretching it! I'm a bit intimidated though, now reading about other weird stuff to mix into tobacco concentrates to make it properly, like some kind of crystals and stuff...? Kind of beyond me... Anyway, sorry to babble on. I still have a ton of playing to do, so I'm outtie! Oh yeah, I should mention the packaging. All bottles are glass and are very clearly labeled. They sent dropper caps, one for each bottle. Nothing to complain about at all! (so far)
  19. I guess this is a benefit for depending on unemployment income. I know, for sure, if I still had my prior job, I would surely be dropping a LOT more money on vaping, much more than I spent on smoking. As I sit, I have only exactly what I need to get by. 2 eGo batteries (for biking), Mark Mod w/2 batteries (for home), a 510 pt w/car adapter (for travel/emergencies), mixing my own juice (to save $$$), and rotating 4 atty's. Believe me, I would love to be able to stock up more back-ups and try the big dollar pv greats, but all-in-all, I can't complain and my fixed income helps me tame my impulse to spend the cash! LoL! This way, I keep about even with what the wife spends on her tobacco+rolling supplies, so she can't complain either! A pound-ish of tobacco and a couple boxes of rolling tubes costs about 25-30 bucks and lasts around 2-3 weeks. I'm currently spending about the same on vaping stuff, so I'm in it for the health benefits over cost, for sure.
  20. Just waiting for next payday! Thanks for the responses guys!
  21. I think vaping is a tailor fit, trial and error thing. It sounds like 24mg might be a bit high for ya, I usually drip 2-3, hit it about 6 times or so, and I'm good for 20 mins or so. However, I'm always hitting this thing even without cravings, just formed a new habit, LoL It will take some time to figure out what works best for you. Try different strengths, different methods, cartoz, drip, filling carts, shorter drags, you'll find what works best for ya soon enough! I always try to vape what I drip, to avoid any seepage while it's sitting. I noticed I don't get a good hit when juice is sitting between the batt and atty, and I'm always wiping both ends to keep them dry and clean as possible.
  22. Perfect, thanks Jeff!
  23. I've kinda taken a liking to the flat-tip carts, they just feel better on my lips. I've searched around a bit, and can't seem to find anything but the regular round ones. Anyone happen to know who sells them? Thanks in advance!
  24. Good review, thanks for posting! I totally hear ya about the softer bottles, actually makes a big difference.
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