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About Cpgifford

  • Birthday 02/23/1989

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  • Location
    Houston, Tx

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I had been smoking since I was 15, now I'm 25 and i have been in and out of the vape scene for 4 or 5 months now. I always used to tell myself after buying this $200 mechanical mod I'll quit for good. Instead I would cut down from a pack a day to 3 to 5 a day. Which is better than 20 a day. I would run out of juice and then I would pick analogs back up and forget about my $500+ collection of mods, rdas, rbas, and juices. Two weeks ago I was fortunate enough to make it to vape summit, seeing the enormous gathering supporting ecigs and other devices got my spirits up enough to cut back down to 2 analogs a day. One day I forgot the empty pack I always put two analogs in at home when I went to work.. I freaked out when I got to work but I soon focused on my job and kept busy. By the end of my shift I realized I could overcome the urges and the need to have an analog with my vape. The next day I intentionally left the pack at home to see if I could do it. Sure enough I made it through yet another smoke free day. The next morning I woke up and I smelled things I never had smelt before, the trash can for instance. Never did I know how bad it reeked up last night's dinner. After getting ready I headed out to work.. I rolled the windows down and I smelt more things I never knew existed, for me smoking consumed my life as if it was breathing. My parents, sister and wife smokes so it was "normal" and an easy habit to get into. After being free from the chemicals for just two days I feel liberated. I feel as if I regained my sense of smell.. Like I had lost my nose and just now have found it. Anyways. Just wanted to post this for inspiration for those who are wanting to quit. The urges and needs get better, you have to force your self to get better. I don't think I will pick the habit back up it tastes and smells horrible and I feel vaping is therapeutic. Also, my progress is visible in my everyday demeanor, so much so my wife had told me she wants to quit.. She is analog free for two days now, I'm sure she will be with me when we hit our 365 club date. [emoji3]
  2. Here is my current Setup
  3. I have been using E-Cigs since the early Blu ($300) days in the mall. I havent made the plunge to stop smoking analogs untill recently. I have bought tons of E-Cigs that endup being unreliable and just not what i need to kick the habbit. I recently bought a M16 Clone and a Z atty RDA. All and all cost of $136 with three 2600MaH Batts. I absolutly love it!!! I quit smoking analogs yester day. I have never had a RDA or anything that was replaceable except my eGo witha protank. I also bought "Bound by the crown" made by Kings Crown. Highly Recommend, Its knida strong but it has great flavor and the VG levels are idea for a thick large cloud.
  4. Thanks for all the quick responses. After reading, I have determined that its because my frequent hits coupled with my constant smoking of analogs that is causing my migraines. Once I slowed down on hits and stopped smoking analogs, things got a little better. I have headaches that are less severe. Im thinking the guy at the shop might have mixed it with a high mg level of nicotine then he or i intended. Therefor giving me a "overdose" of Nicotine. With that and the frequent hits caused this whole issue. Im going to buy more with the lower level and see if anything gets better. BTW: No.27 is like a medium strength cigarette, most comparable to a Camel red then a Marlboro red
  5. So here is the story, I have used my friends vap before and it gave me a migraine after 8 hours of use. I smoke a pack of No.27s daily for 7 years now. I know he had 12mg nicotine and the migraine would not give up. He juice he was using was 50/50 from a local store called spring vapor here in the woodlands Texas. I have used the Blu E-Cigs before and never had a problem. I went and spent $180 on two starter kits for me and my fiance. I then got migranes again. I want to use the Vap i have but i cant stand the migranes. I think its either im allergic to PG or its too high of a nicotine level which i doubt. any ideas? I think if its PG then i can go to 100% VG
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