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  1. Work in slot machines, the multi million dollar JP games, it sounds more glamorous than it is! Lol
  2. Kanger tank w a variable like the twist or vamo, unless u drip
  3. Vamo w I clear 30 & ego w a kanger gotta have both
  4. Has anyone tried the ceramic wick atty's?
  5. Ego twist w the kanger pro 2 mini is a nice setup, or the kanger pro 3 on a vamo
  6. Top coil is ok u have to roll it every now and then, they have a cpl different ohm coils, I've had the 30 for awhile. I wish I would have went w the kanger pro 3.
  7. Order a vamo or ego w a kanger pro tank
  8. Try primetimevapes, everything I've tried is smooth & full of flavor
  9. Has anyone tried primetimevapes????
  10. Primetimevapes.com has some awesome Vapes! I have several I use they are full of flavor and never get old! Freedomsmoke has some good ones too, I look for flavor art it is the best i think, Italians do it right from cars to flavoring for e cigs...
  11. Primetimevapes Rip Tide, it's a nice smooth blended vape
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