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Everything posted by joejoevapekins

  1. Quad stacks...Idk sounds good in my head
  2. Lol rig up a talk back on your radio....had the jackass on my general lee and galaxy99. Lightsaber battle on the old conex
  3. Lol i can hear mine now. Jesus Joe do you really have to do that..... then i say something dumb like, fear the dragon
  4. You need one of them lil 14500 hybrids lol
  5. Lightningvapes.com Another great place for supply
  6. For me it takes 14wraps to hit a 1.8ish ohm
  7. Lol old school tricks. Oh if the whole switch can come off the mod put it in the freezer for 15min then heat the ring up that way it makes the inside casing shrink a lil and when you heat the ring up the ring will expand. But the freezer then heat method is for the super stuck im pis*ed its trash can time lol
  8. If you have some leather gloves. Use a lighter, bic or a torch. Heat the ring up and try to twist it then.
  9. It hurt getting that big a.s.s. cloud out with 90%pg and 24mg nic in that igow with 3mm air holes
  10. I don't even like food coloring to be in mine. If its not naturally in the mix dont put it
  11. http://www.ccohs.ca/headlines/text186.html Titanium dioxide has recently been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as an IARC Group 2B carcinogen''possiblycarcinogentohumans''. Titanium dioxide accounts for 70% of the total production volume ofpigments worldwide. It is widely used to provide whiteness and opacityto products such as paints, plastics,papers,inks, foods,andtoothpastes.Itis also used in cosmetic and skin care products, and it is present in almost every sunblock, where it helps protect the skin from ultraviolet light. With such widespread use of titanium dioxide, it is important to understand that the IARC conclusions are based on very specific evidence. This evidence showed that high concentrations of pigment-grade (powdered) and ultrafine titanium dioxide dust caused respiratory tract cancer in rats exposed by inhalation and intratrachealinstillation*.The series of biological events or steps that produce the rat lung cancers(e.g. particle deposition, impaired lung clearance, cell injury, fibrosis, mutations andultimatelycancer)have also beenseen inpeople working in dusty environments. Therefore,the observationsof cancerinanimalswere considered, by IARC, as relevant to people doing jobs with exposures to titanium dioxide dust. For example, titanium dioxide production workers may be exposed to high dust concentrations during packing,milling, site cleaning and maintenance, ifthere are insufficientdust controlmeasures inplace. However, it should be notedthat the humanstudies conducted so fardonot suggestan association between occupational exposure to titanium dioxide and an increased risk for cancer. The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is Canada'shazard communication standard. The WHMIS Controlled ProductsRegulations require that chemicals, listed in Group 1 or Group 2 in the IARC Monographsonthe Evaluationofthe Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, be classified under WHMIS Class D2A (carcinogenic). The classification decision on titanium dioxide has been published on the IARC website and in a summary article published in The Lancet Representatives from Health Canada (National Office of WHMIS) recently consulted withthe Quebec CSST and CCOHS (the two main agencies providing WHMIS classifications to the public) regarding the implicationsofthe IARC decisiontothe WHMIS classificationoftitaniumdioxide.It was agreed that titanium dioxide does now meet the criteria for WHMIS D2A (carcinogen) based on the information released by IARC to date, and that it is not necessary to wait for release of the full monograph. Manufacturers and suppliers of titanium dioxide are advised to review and update their material safety data sheets and product labels based on this new information as soon as possible. Employers should review their occupationalhygieneprograms toensure that exposure totitaniumdioxide dust is eliminated or reduced to the minimum possible. Workersshould be educated concerning this potential newly recognized risk to their health and trained in proper work procedures.
  12. Wow. That's just stupid. Those are the people that's going to end us
  13. In the words of a great movie "we're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy."
  14. Honestly i watched like 20 video's. Rip trippers does some of the best build vids
  15. I wasted about 4 feet of kanthal before i got my technique down to were it worked for me. I still goof up from time to time. Have you done the firmware update on your paperweight?
  16. Go to walmart pharmacist and ask for aloe juice it will help your stomach and raw feeling.
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