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Everything posted by joey2

  1. I am sorry to hear about your Mom.....She has been through a lot...My prayers are with you and yours I am still trying a real cigarette .......once a day. .....The taste is terrible I am hoping to stop wanting to try a real cig. soon........I have about 12 different types of e juice trying to find something I can stick with.....I did order a big bottle of Vermillion River....Kentucky Premium blend....That is the one I like the best so far. The smoke shop here only has 1 or 2 brands.....DeKang and some other....The guys that work there knows almost nothing about e-cigs. Other than you guys here...I am on my own as to vaping
  2. Thanks for the reply... I have not dropped it yet.....LOL..........Might throw it I did get a few spare coils for it.....Maybe I need to try a new one in the tank
  3. I am having a hard time with the protank 3 I can not to save my self keep it from flooding......I am wasting more juice than I vap What am I doing wrong???
  4. Hello This is my first post here. My name is Joey and I live in Durham NC., have been smoking for most of my entire life of 66 + years. 55+ yrs. of smoking I am trying to stop smoking again.....I stopped for 3 yrs. after I had my heart attack (2004). I was lucky only got stints in my heart. The issue that is killing me now is PAD....I have very little pulse in my left leg Doc. says that I will be lucky to have that leg in 3 yrs. if I do not stop now.....The other news is even if I stop now...The leg might last 5 yrs. at best I have been vaping for about 3 weeks......I bought a eGo kit off of ebay.....I am guessing it is a fake kit. My tongue feels like it has been scalded ....the protank 3 I got in the kit....Floods an gives me a mouth full of juice about 2 x a day and when I say flooding one toke and it will drop 1/3 of a tank into my mouth........Oh well......live and learn Just received a Vamo vision and a iClear 30 and some samples of Vermillion River juice yesterday.....Much better than I could have ever thought.....I just wish my tongue was not burnt from the other stuff so I really could enjoy the new juice. I smoked one real Cig yesterday and one this morning......the Cig this morning was not good....I think that is a good sign I maybe able to dump the dang things Any advise on how to deal with a burnt tongue would help
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