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Everything posted by Cjcrf

  1. I like lemonade or a lemon drop flavor. I'm vaping a so called "blueberry lemonade" but all I can taste is a small hint of blueberry. The only juice I've vaped that I could actually taste was compenstines
  2. Anybody know of a good lemon flavor? I can't seem to find one.
  3. oops my bad sorry.
  4. Hey I'm lonley all the girls I meet walk away when they hear I don't make alot of money
  5. it sucks flat out i have 2 id trade you for something
  6. DAMMIT I NEED TITTIES ON THE GO! on another note i wouldn't mind having the other woman flavor
  7. so does mothers milk taste at all like titty milk?
  8. I now own the panzer
  9. I just got a panzer in the mail today and to take the coating off i used a little laquer thinner and a bench grinder with a wire wheel holy crap it hauls ***
  10. Welcome my names chris too
  11. its got to be rebranded china juice
  12. Vaping comenstines apple cider @ o nic i steeped for a week and its freakin awsome
  13. Steampunk is a industrial style look. Lots of copper
  14. So where should we do it
  15. Thats directed at happy vapor
  16. Where do u live
  17. hey im the machinist here
  18. im willing to
  19. NICE MAN!!!
  20. im working on the cad drawings right now
  21. hey happy to meet you ive been vaping for 2 years started smoking when i was 16 and started vaping when i was 17
  22. josh if you see this message go on forum chat
  23. talking to josh im probably going to be the one manufacturing these so yay
  24. i vape 3 nic now i get a 30 ml bottle of 0 and a 30 ml bottle of 6 and do a 50 50 mix i figured out its not the nic im really addicted to its the acion of smoking and vaping. an a little nic
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