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    Sanford, FL
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    DIY Juice,bicycling,

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  1. Another reason to read the manual.
  2. I figured the pass though setup isn't good for the battery and I doubt it's a true Joyetech, eBay, $13 with shipping. Before this pass through I had 1 eGo and two 808's. Speaking of stalking the vape mail, my new eGo Twist 1100 mAh left Los Angeles USPS Sort Facility.Sunday. Also on that order is three 10ml of e-liquid. From Dekang: Beer (I'm betting this will suck) and Melon, from Hangsen: Blackberry Flavor. There are 2 more orders that are "Processed through USPS Sort Facility", one order has nine different juices, one being my first taste in the Bakery group with Authentic LIQUA Tiramisu. There are fruits, a chinese herbal cig brand, almond (1st in the nut group) and the rest I'd have to Google them again, floral of some kind I think, another new group of flavors for me to try. I was hoping all these would be here for me to sample so that I'd have a better idea of what I like to vape before I went shopping for DIY flavors. I had to stay in my "safe" flavors until I can sample other groups of flavors.. Yes, you guessed right, I ordered these from FastTech is why I'm STILL waiting.
  3. Yeah HelloMiakoda! Really?! Cotton candy flavored vodka? That's weird as is red velvet booze. I won't comment on the e-liquid versions and those in the bakery group as I have yet to sample any. I thought chocolate was strange until I tried some. It rocks! I have much to learn about issues. It was only a few months ago I thought vaping is still like smoking. I was part of the mis-informed masses. I didn't have anything against those who used PV's, that would have been really stupid on my part.
  4. Why not just use the cartridges when you're alone? For $3.95 plus shipping you could get a CE4 or two. You'll want to measure your carts and check the measurements of the covers. What if the covers are longer or shorter then your carts? If the covers are longer then you might have extra air around, if shorter the little reminder will be seen. I have some 808 cartridges too. I saw a YouTube video about how to refill those cartridges. I did a really stupid thing after seeing that video. Instead of buying 5 empty clean cartridges I bought 4 packs of 5 prefilled of the most sucky flavors on the planet with the thought I could refill them with good e-liquid. Ok, they were on clearance, but now I'm not even using the 808's. I'll probably buy an adapter too so I can use them on an eGo just in case I have nothing else to vape with..
  5. My first starter kit was from Bull Smoke. You get 2 cigarette looking batteries, 1 manual(push a button to vapor) and 1 longer automatic(no button, just take puffs) and 10 flavor cartridges that screw into either battery(a USB charger too) for about $30 online. I was really curious about flavors other then tobacco. Most of the flavored cartridges weren't that good(compared to most e-liquids, they all sucked, but I didn't know that at the time), and the refills are a rip-off of $12.95+ shipping for 5 fo a pack. The only good thing was it got me off of cigarettes from day one. After my 1st week I bought an eGo-T kit on eBay. In hindsight I would have looked harder online for an Ego starter kit with 2 batteries and bought e-liquid a few at a time. The only part of the Bull Smoke kit that I'm using now is the box it came in to hold loose vaporware. I know, I was blown away by all the choices there are online and in local stores. I have 2 eGo's now and a 3rd on the way. Lots of people make fun of eGo's, but they are a great way to start vaping. Then there is the level of nicotine to get. I was smoking "lights" when I quit, but I buy 18mg the most and like to have a couple of 24mg e-liquids on hand for quickies. The first time I vaped hard with a 24mg flavor I got a bit dizzy and didn't feel very good. That's why I only use that high level for a few quick hits. If I find a flavor I really like and plan on vaping allot at one time, 12mg works well for me. As for how long? That's up to you. I'm so glad I finally don't feel I need or want to smoke anymore after 40 some years. I don't plan on quitting vaping anytime soon. I would like to drop my nicotine level down, but I'm in no rush to do so. It will come when the time is right. I feel better now with vaping then when I had quit smoking for about 1 year. I was always wanting a smoke and cranky too. The vaping world is very exciting to me, but then I'm still kind of a newbie. I'm glad you're thinking of making the switch. I think you will be glad too.
  6. The convenience store where I used to buy my analogs from has cigalikes with the refill carts, I wonder if they sell e-liquid too. As much as I hate big tobacco, it might be ok that they are getting their greedy paws in vaping too. I don't see them as a threat to our way of vaping. It's the misinformed public, local/state/Fed government and the FDA that I fear. Oh and big phrma too, speaking of greed. Big tobacco may help us while helping themselves to educate the masses about how much safer vaping is to smoking. Big tobacco is investing millions of dollars into e-cigarettes, I think they will want a return on their investment. If they are looking to control the market, then I have a problem with them too. I'm all about free market and making profits. Sure require persons to be 18 and over to buy nicotine products if that makes you feel better. That didn't stop me from getting addicted to cigarettes at 16 years old in fact it made it more exciting. Why does pleasure have to be restricted? This world is one goofy place. We should outlaw greed, real hate and power. I am a member of CASAA even though I've only started to become aware of the looming issues here and in other countries.
  7. Wow that special edition Mini Davide is really nice looking.
  8. Aquatroy's vape mail is the cat's meow. I got the coolest simple battery. I think it's an eGo-C, The cool part is it's a USB pass through. Now I can vape all day at my PC without stopping to recharge my eGo-T and break out the 808's from the starter kit I wasted money on. Nearly every draw is like a freshly charged battery. A tiny red light comes on when it's charging, but you can still vape with it while it charges. It came with a super short USB cable that might work plugged into a laptop (which I don't have), so I'm using a 5 foot USB cable instead. I was looking at the iTaste v3.0 as it's also is a pass through with more style and it's VV/VW, but it's about $20 more then what I paid for the eGo. Then there's the eGo Mega v3 that is a pass through with a 1300 mAh battery and VV/VW, hmmm.
  9. Awww, there may be hope for my MT3 after all. I was reading in another thread about a fellow vapor having problems with his T3. The gaskets around the coil might be blown (not really his problem, but could be mine), and it's not a cracked tank after all. Another thing I don't like about the MT3, it looks cool, but it's so hard for me to see just how much juice is in the tank unless the light is just right. Must be made for young eyes.
  10. Yes HelloMiakoda you suck, in vapor like the rest of us. LOL, ok not that funny. I must be the only one that likes the CE4's. I'm not crazy about the harder draw and that they are throw-aways. I do like that if/when they break I'm not out a bunch of money. I like how easy they are to drop in new juice and I feel ok taking them outside in the harsh world. They have lasted longer then my MT3, which I'm very sad about. Even though the MT3 lasted less then a week before it cracked, I now prefer bottom coils and using glass at home. I do have an Aspire BDC that is glass, that I was saving to use on my new eGo Twist that is still out in vape mail land. I'm really eying it now that the MT3 is history and planning on mixing up a batch of cinnamon/vanilla ice cream (TFA) e-liquid. .
  11. I didn't know to add mint to the list of ify juices with plastic tanks. My fairly new MT3 cracked because of juice. I bought it on eBay and it was titled as a Kanger MT3 2.4ML. Probably a clone. Though the seller did send me 5 coils even though I didn't bid on them, so it's not a total loss. It was a white one that matched my eGo-T.battery. I might have to get another white one. I don't know. I'm not real happy with my eGo-T, also bought on eBay. It's suppose to be a 900 mAh, but it doesn't last very long and it looks more like a 650 mAh. Not that big of a deal, but like Miakoda, being told one thing when it's really something else gets to me. I also have 2 CE4's that are holding up quite well. They don't hit nearly as nice as the MT3 did, but at least they still work.
  12. My first dripping atty and I forgot to get a drip tip, duh! I was really only there to buy some VG as I have everything else to start DIY'ing. I'll have both VG/PG in vape mail soon, but I running really low on e-liquid and I didn't want to buy another bottle of ready made stuff.
  13. Hello everyone. I found this forum while doing a Google search for e-liquid in Sanford, FL. Mainly I was hoping to find a B&M store that sells VG. I found one. Turns out to be a vape shop. I thought they only sold e-liquid. I'm still wet behind the vaping ears. Cheers.
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