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Everything posted by ryanmcgarth02

  1. Hello and welcome to forum take a look uniquecig.com .. i found this one when i was a newbie
  2. hello guys.. So valentine week is starting from today.. what are you planning to give your valentine.. Let talk a bit about it
  3. i once checked it out.. and really heard the postive review about them.
  4. you might wanna check this out.. uniquecigs.com
  5. things happen..as we all are human.. and please tell me what you've done with mousepad..cause i don't have much idea
  6. Welcome
  7. Just a question .. is online ejuice ordering is good or should i try more DIY flavour.. and if i go with DIY flavours...what is best options available. what is your opinion about that ?
  8. Welcome on board.
  9. I have started and passed a month with the community.. and some really good advice i've received.. as a newbie i think here you'll get really nice help..because of availability of Ecig here i have to go back to regular.. but when i got one, i definitely choose vaping..
  10. Nice one..
  11. Hi guys.. so i finally choose one.. it is the name called smoke free.The cost here of this is 550 INR..but i thought it would be great if i ask about a little different thing here.. can anyone explain me how can order a e cig online.. and as i am in india, and the supplier here have pretty nice stuff.. what abt the onlineordering of course i have found myself some online ordering site in the community also.. Please help me with the import charges in india and how much it is going to cost me.. as i can afford 1000 or 1500 INR ... thanks in advance
  12. Not much idea about this.. but if wanna check this out.. may be this help uniquecigs.com.. found this while searching throgh web,..
  13. Pretty nice story..
  14. Thanks for sharing your experiences.. since i quited the regular one.. and started Electronic cigarette i have not got myself into any kind of situation like this.. but if this happen i really go for the advice ... and yes before vaping me too did the same .. still smoke even if in cold situation..
  15. The mixing of 2 equal parts do not give the same math you've described above . and adding nictotine play a bit small role in this kind of things..
  16. hey Guys.. i just very curious about the ecig uses... and i have just smoked one of friend have given to me pcd 101 one of the available one here..and where to get the itaste 134 in near area.. i know many of you not from my place .. and i am also going to check the store for this one.. but it is really expensive for me.. i think it is cause of export charges.
  17. i have searched when i was starting and found one.. unicig.com pretty good.
  18. ryanmcgarth02


    how many types of RBA ? please explain me that..
  19. A lot of'em can have any pictures yet... but heard a lot about it
  20. welcome ..
  21. Quit drinking.. and smoking.. and starting vape and will follow a regular exercise routine
  22. Agree with that
  23. agree with heartvape ..changing continuously between juice is good.. so that you can not get addicted to a specific taste.
  24. uniquecigs.com..May this can help.... found this interesting.. tell me what u think.
  25. Hey all .. i was just looking on some information .. and found this,.. quite interesting. http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/2013/12/2014-electronic-cigarette-predictions.html have a look and tell me what u think..
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