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Everything posted by eLCruz

  1. The positive pins sometimes are Wonky on tanks. It may be making a bad / loose connection. I had to extend the positive pin on my herakles tank with a dab of silver solder cause it had a jumpy Resistance.
  2. If the tank that came with it reads correctly, the problem may be the subtank base. I have a subtank plus and use nickel coils on it on my evic vtc mini and get exact ohm readings. So there may be something wrong with the subtank coil base.
  3. Why not just get a 35 amp efset, the purple one. Better to have an overly capable battery than wonder when its gonna fail.
  4. I only saw one coil when I tore it down. But I guess you could do a parallel. It vapes great with a single too. Glad it helped!
  5. Here's a link to all things Nautilus... At amazing prices I must say... https://www.fasttech.com/search/-2?keywords=aspire
  6. Try this on... https://www.fasttech.com/p/1545301
  7. I ordered my first ego setup online and it took about 5 days to get to me. During those 5 days, I disposed of all things "smoking", lighters, ashtrays, ciggy stashes in house & car, etc. All but one pack! Then I got my first vape mail! I threw out the last of the cigs and started vaping and have not had a cig since... The key I found, is to NOT have cigs around! Go all in! Ever since that day, no more smoking, only vaping! It's been 2 years now... You can do it! Just get rid of the cigs... Best of luck!
  8. Try using 32g kanthal for those high ohms.
  9. Check these out, if you're not in a rush to get it you can save a bit https://www.fasttech.com/search?vamo
  10. Try this: http://www.szehpro.com/a/yingyuban/Contact_Us/
  11. You only put 1 in at a time. How often you change them depends on the liquid you use, voltage, and frequency of vaping. Many variables... The nautilus is a great atty, I have the big one and intend to get the mini bvc coils for it. It's a great atty, I would go for it
  12. Gotta get those coils for my nautilus BIG!
  13. Unless you are using silica, ekowool, or ceramic, as a wick, you should remove the wick before dry burning. Dry burning is used to clean the coil by heating the coil to a red hot temp. All the juice build up will burn away and the coil will look good as the day it was made.
  14. Watch this… Micro Coil Build In The Aspire Nautilus: I don't think you need to worry bout melting…
  15. Did you check the ohms on the rebuilt coil? I don't think those batteries can handle ohms below a certain level. Probably around 1.2 - 1.5 Ωs minimum. Just a guess, but I would check the ohms on the rebuild before putting it on your new battery… Best of luck!
  16. Yeah he does, at the begining when hes holding the yellow screwdriver. I believe its 28g kanthal.
  17. Try this… Micro Coil Build In The Aspire Nautilus: Hope it helps. I'm still waiting for mine to get here.
  18. This is the SVD with a Kayfun 3.1es on it. From what I understand, the Russian 91% & the Kayfun are dimensionally identical. Hope this helps...
  19. Just snug them down, finger tight. No muscle!
  20. Try this on for size… http://drw.sh/czrw It's for the t2 but its an ekowool build
  21. Oops wrong aga Here's the td: Right now I'm using single coil but I keep the second wick in there to prevent leaks. I just tie it snug with some kanthal till I need it same applies as I said earlier with the aga t2… google aga td vids, thats how I got the hang of the thing. I was lost too when I got mine! Good luck
  22. Here is my aga t2 built: Mine is drilled out to 5/64ths but th negative for vertical coils is the phillips head closest the wick hole. For horizontal coils its the skinny post with the small phillips head. BTW, I'm using a ceramic wick. Good luck
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