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Everything posted by TheCas3y

  1. 618? Oh hey! You live in Alton! I lived in Columbia, IL until January of this year when I loved to Louisiana. You were under an hour away from me! Anyways, it could be the Nicotine. When I bought from the shop in St. Louis it I got a couple 10mg flavors. The bottles I have now are 12mg and I got one of 18mg. Do you think that extra 2mg between 10-12 is going to make a lot of difference? I've got them all steeping right now to see if that helps at all. It's sad because all the flavors smell and taste delicious but I just can't enjoy them as much as I'd like
  2. One bowl can last anywhere from an hour to 1.5 hours.
  3. I lied, I found one of the bottles and they are 12mg nicotine, anyways, I was with a friend who suggested the Nicotine amount. I called the store and apparently there's someone who comes in early in the morning to mix all the levels, I just need to actually wake up early enough to call them and find out what they do differently. I think it might be the vendor, because I have two flavors that are 50/50 with 12mg and they are pretty harsh. Also, a bit more on Hookah Tobacco. It comes in 100g and 250g tins typically. They are between .05-.5% Nicotine depending on the brand. Which in a 100g tin is about .05g-.5g which is 50-500mg of Nicotine per tin. Each bowl you pack will have about 15-25g of Tobacco depending on the size of the bowl, so even dealing with the smallest portion of Nicotine on a 15g bowl, that's about 7.5mg of Nicotine per bowl, and if you're dealing with the larger of the nicotine content, that can be closer to 75mg of nicotine per bowl. And I should have been more clear on my Hookah usage. Up until the end of last year, I would set up my Hookah several times per week, and earlier that year when I lived in an apartment I set it up most days. At the beginning of this year I moved and where I am living now I can't use the Hookah inside because I don't own the place and I'd rather not risk carpet and just in general not upset the owner, so a vape would be an easy solution. Especially now that it's getting cold outside, it's easier to just vape in my home office without any worries.
  4. Well the first three bottles I bought when I originally got my vape had no problems at all and I barely noticed anything, and they had 18mg nic, which is why I was curious if there was anything else I was doing wrong since all the new ones I bought have had crazy throat burn and the levels have ranged from 80/20 to 20/80.
  5. Because it's easier than setting up a hookah every day and worrying about coals burning things.
  6. I never smoked cigs. I have a few Hookahs that I smoked every week or so, but not that much.
  7. Whether or not my assumption was a good one doesn't really address my problem...
  8. No. The only other vendor was the store where I bought my initial setup and the juice I got there had no ill effects and worked great, only these new ones have given me issues. I actually called that place today to see what levels they used and no one at the store knows. Apparently someone comes in early in the morning and mixes a big batch and they just add the flavors later in the day as needed for people who come in and buy some. I may call them before work tomorrow and see if that person is there, but I feel like any place that doesn't give you any choice of PG/VG levels probably does 100% VG or something like that.
  9. jeffb it was a 5-pack of these: http://www.mtbakervapor.com/cartomizers/kanger-protank-e-replacement-coil-5-pack/ Also, Bebop, I noticed this before I even had a stuffed up nose at all.
  10. No they weren't just free **** they were giving away. I had a coupon code for a free atty, so I just added a couple KangerTech Attys. They aren't anything knockoff.
  11. Update: I got a couple free 2.2 Ohm Atomizers in the Mail with an order of Juice. When I ordered this flavor, (Moo Juice ordered from MBV), I went with a 20/80 blend to try and minimize throat hit. I set it all up, and immediately, from the first mouth to lung hit it was super harsh and made me cough and burns my throat. I've also noticed just holding the vapor in my mouth makes my tongue feel scratchy and almost burn a bit. I've also noticed that I have to clear my throat a lot more since starting to use those, I recently got a cold so that accounts for some of it, but even before that I was clearing my throat a lot. I think I may be sensitive to PG and may need to order a 100% VG or 70% VG Distilled with 30% H2O, because I think if a 20/80 PG/VG blend is affecting me that much with a brand new 2.2 Ohm atty and running between 3.2-3.6 Volts, then there's got to be something else to it. Thoughts? Also, I ordered an iTaste VTR, so that's on it's way, so on the off chance it's something with my current setup, that should fix it. It'll probably be a couple weeks till I get it though.
  12. I already got the 50/50 stuff and it's kinda harsh. I only have 12mg nicotine. I wish I knew what the levels of the stuff I bought with my vape were, because they were perfect. I just talked to a friend who recommended 35/65 for the levels, so I may try that. My order also came with a free bottle of a flavor called "Movie Theater Fish", that, while very tasty is quite harsh because it's 80/20. I have a few 2.5 coils and a 1.8 coil. Do you think a lower Ω coil would help? I haven't used it because I thought it might be worse, but I'm not sure.
  13. I am very new to vaping, and I just ordered my first set of liquids to try out and I've tried a few and I keep getting a harsh throat hit that burns my throat, regardless of voltage. To start with, I'm running with a Kanger Mini ProTank-II as well as an EGO Winder. I've got 2.5 Ohm attys. I bought my setup from a shop in St. Louis and they didn't give all the options of PG/VG, the only option I had were flavor and nicotine level. The initial flavors I had were very smooth and I didn't have any problems. I just ordered a few flavors from MBV, and because I wasn't sure what PG/VG levels to go with, I just went 50/50, because I thought that would be safe. I know what PG and VG are, but I guess I'm not understanding which one will give me the smoothest smoke. Whenever I inhale it makes my throat very scratching and I have to fight against coughing on exhale. I run somewhere between 3.6 and 4.0 volts. I have cleaned my attys and washed and dried all the parts before putting a flavor in, and I think I'm doing everything right. Just wondering if there is something else I can do to make it smoother, or if I should just adjust my PG/VG levels to get a smoother smoke. Thanks in advance for any advice!
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