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  1. Looks like I'm going to be the only one to give a thumbs down on the Nautilus. I've gone through three tanks of liquid (all fruits) and it won't produce flavor. I'm getting an adequate amout of vapor. I've got the wattage set to the recommended volts X volts / ohms. I've tried three different coils. I've tried bumping the watts way up. I've tried it on an Innokin SVD a Smoktech SID and a couple of others. If I put the same juice in a Kanger TS3 or MT3, I get a ton of flavor. There's an older 11 page thread over on ECF about a bunch of people complaining about dry hits and no vapor but the consensus is poorly made coils, but there are a few people with the same problem as me. Good vapor, no flavor. If it made flavor, It'd be my favorite tank by a long ways.
  2. If you want to buy online but keep it local, Seattle Vapor makes some great juices.
  3. I don't wanna have to give up my Radiator Pluid! Reminds me of Absinthe. Not only is it yummy, it really helps with vapors tongue. But it does look just like antifreeze. Hmmm.
  4. I also have the SID. I read somewhere that the Joyetech eVic / eGo-T 18350 Battery MOD Tube will fit the SID so I picked one up from Smoke Evolution for $11. Now I have a mini SID.
  5. Thanks for that. Found a place to get a full size Anyvape tube that'll fit. May have to go that route.
  6. Picked up a SmokTech SID about a week ago and a Samsung 3000 mAh battery to go with it. At certain temperatures the battery will slide into the tube without a problem but more often than not, it's a very tight fit. A couple days ago the battery wrapper tore so I went to a local B&M and tried several batteries and they were all tight. Which batteries are SID users using? FWIW, I picked up an 18350 and a short battery tube for an eVic / eGo-T and it fits the SID fine so at least I've got a mini SID to get me by.
  7. I'd be using Lizard Juice only as a backup. Lizard Juice just takes other popular brands and puts their logo on it and then jacks up the price a lot. I bought an Innokin iTaste V3 in their Clearwater store a few months ago for about $55. They call it the Lizard Squared Battery. The tank they call an L-VOD is just a Kanger EVOD but they sell them for $15 when you can buy an EVOD online for $6.
  8. Strawberry-banana from Sweet-Vapes. It's my new favorite.
  9. A pain? Not at all. You have just provided a solution that's been bugging me for a couple months. One of my favorite flavors tastes burnt after a short time even with a new coil. That was the pain. Was. Not a pain any more.
  10. I love Zeus Ejuice! Was it Aphrodite's Affair? I just received that one and I thought it was horrible. It's suppose to be cherry, strawberry, chocolate and cream but all I could taste was a burnt chocolate cake. I'm going to let it sit for a couple weeks before I try it again. My all time favorite juice is their Medusa Juice. I've also mixed their Zeus Juice and their blueberry with great results. I also like their Khinoe's Kooler (menthol) which is also great with their blueberry.
  11. Sorry. New to this party. My battery can only adjust in half watt increments but it can adjust in 10th volt increments so I do both depending on what the resistance of the coil is. And I got a bunch of different tanks with different resistance coils. Have you seen those charts that show what voltage and wattage should be based on resistance? There's a band of green down the middle which is the optimum starting point. The middle of the green band is "wattage = voltage squared divided by ohms". If you have a VV / VW battery that includes an ohm meter and you know your way around a spreadsheet and you have a spreadsheet application on your smartphone (I know, a lot of ifs there huh?), enter your voltage in A1, resistance in B1 and the following formula in C1... =(A1*A1)/B1 Any further adjustment from there should be slight, depending on personal taste.
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