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Everything posted by tamintn

  1. Thanks everyone who has helped me decide what to buy. I decided on the Joye 510 super starter kit. When I tried to order they asked which eliquid: vg-pg? I don't know what they mean. It's not the flavor or strenght what is it? Oh yeah and what's the difference between manual and automatic battery? I'm sorry for being such a pest, I promise once I get this going I'll have a better handle on it. Tammy
  2. I've made my mind up and am excited to get started. I've read alot of post about the different one's and where to buy them. Seems easiest enough for your average person right? Well what the hecks wrong with me? I'm still CONFUSED! I decided on one (joey, i think)and they don't have menthol. i pick another one (tornado)and it's not in the USA so i can't configure the cost and worry shipping might take to long. This is what I'm looking for..I smoke about 30 menthol cigs a day. I want something simple,menthol and preferable in the USA (for $ and shipping reasons) Can anyone make it simple for this obviously airhead woman.
  3. Ok, now I'm confused. I didn't realize there was more than one manufactor. I though "blu" was it. Any advice on which one to choose? Thanks in advance.
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