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Everything posted by noXious

  1. OMG LOOK! It has an outtie!!
  2. Agreed .. but why is "TMI" usually so entertaining?? I have a rule: No non-beautifying electronics in the bathroom. This includes my laptop, my phone, my ipod touch, and of course my vaping devices. I stand corrected: I will take the cordless home phone to the bathroom on occasion; only when talking to very special people though!!!
  3. It's great to see public faces/figures tapping into vaping. All these baby steps are progress!
  4. I love to wake and vape. It hinders my productivity at the start of the day though. I used to wake and smoke a couple of cigarettes with my coffee .. t'was about 20 min, give or take. Now that I vape though, I just want to sit and vape for a good hour or so before I do anything = unproductive, but who cares?!
  5. Great stories you guys. Like most others, I had been wanting to quit. My chest was hurting at times, feeling brachish (sp) and then there's the smell in your clothes/hair/breath. Last year, my daughter said to me, "Mom you should try those electronic cigarettes." as if I knew what she was talking about. We talked about it a little bit .. I sampled one at the mall but honestly, it didn't "feel" like drawing off a cigarette .. it was WORK! The notion subsided. Then my mom was once again getting on my case about smoking (this isn't new or unusual, but it about the time I want to hang up the phone on her) and so I told her maybe one day I'll try the electronic cigarette. She tells me she'll buy it for me, which wasn't necessary. It did however bring the notion back to life again. I was going to buy the Luci when I was up in Ohio early last year because the friend that I was visiting said, "The head shop up the street has them for about $70 .. buy one here, not at the mall." I went to Ohio, it was $75 but marked down 50%. Well I wondered "Why is it marked down 50%?". I was skeptical and opted not to purchase it, but instead to actually do some research first. I ordered my first kits at the end of April, was vaping by the first week of May and although it wasn't all roses at first .. .. here I am
  6. Not to mention I think it's the hundreds and thousands of other chemicals and gases released via the burning of a cigarette that contribute most negatively to others' health; not so much the nicotine itself.
  7. And don't forget to buy enough liquid to squash any temptation for cigs! Happy Holidays HoosierMama
  8. Seems like a fun way to go about it. If I used cartos I'd so go for it.
  9. mmm bling-bling sexy! Thanks, Brian
  10. Great advice you have there. Just want to chime in with "You're going to love vaping!"
  11. Another idea I picked up somewhere along the way is to use those colored drip tips. Those who do say it is easier than removing the tip to refill and the perk is that they are an inexpensive way to differentiate your flavors as they are reusable.
  12. I say .. bust out your Midnight, Buttered Rum, Whiskey and other "cocktail" vapes. Let's P-A-R-T-Y-!-!-! and [FDA] for good measure!
  13. Nice, thank you. Well if that's not a kick in the FDA's shins then I have a pair of steel-toed boots, laced up and rarin' to go!!!
  14. Score one for us but they still have some fight in them: "“We are studying the opinion and considering next steps,” Jeffrey Ventura, a spokesman for the FDA, said in an e-mailed statement."
  15. .. I want to read the article but am not a subscriber!!! Could you possibly edit your post to include a fully copied + pasted version? Thank you, phaseman
  16. Following Aimee .. I wanted to ask if you tried it in a clean atty/carto? There are times I'll drip a new flavor onto a used atty and the combination/s can sometimes make for some putrid flavors. I suck it up and keep dripping til it vapes away. Usually, re-dripping 3-5 times will get the old flavor out.
  17. Oh I've had it happen with USPS tracking. Something to do with recycling the tracking #'s. I don't remember the specifics.
  18. lol Angel .. good one. I guess it's a good thing my MIL can't cook.
  19. I suggest watching this video by phee303 on how to remove your wick. I do not suggest removing the bridge (the follow up video). If you want to know why, just ask. Be aware that this will help but since your wick is already charred bits may break off and stick to the coil and/or well inside your atomizer and you may taste some of it. I suggest cleaning them by placing in a bowl, pouring gently boiling water over them and let them soak for a few minutes. Microwaving the water in a separate container will speed up the process of boiling. You can repeat this step if you feel it's needed (ie: your AC atty). Blow through slowly, repeatedly from the mouth to the battery end into a towel to get most of the water out. Don't forget to prime with a few drops before you vape. Also, the atty is not completely dry so some water may sizzle; don't panic. When you receive new attys I advise removing the wicks just as soon as you've tested them to be sure they are not DOA (dead on arrival) before they have a chance to burn.
  20. Way to go, Psycho. It's not easy to convince someone this is the way to go. And I agree, persistence vs arrogance!
  21. You mean on the level of righteous ignorance indignation? Whatever floats your boat.
  22. Wow. We talk about how we want more tests done and how we'd like to know just how safe vaping is vs smoking and if there are in fact any risks. Then along comes someone with the ability to help us answer some questions and to share what he knows and this is how he's greeted? I, for one, welcome his insight. So not in the mood for anyone's god mentality right now.
  23. 1.5 min was enough for me. Too many places on my body are now aching from all the sympathy pains
  24. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpps/news/ecigarette-companies-get-fda-warning-dpgapx-20100909-gc_9568471?obref=obinsite The FDA is [seemingly] compliant but suppliers and the industry as a whole are not??? Again .. what's wrong with this picture?
  25. I have a rapid usb charger that charges 650 ego batts in about 45 min and mega batts in about 1.5 hrs.
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