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Everything posted by doodler

  1. I like this set up. How are you liking the aerotank? I almost bought one the other day but went with the iclear30s. Loving it on the svd so far!
  2. I have been vaping for almost 3 months now and yes it has become a hobby for sure! Now I cant say I have really saved any money over analogs because I am always buying something new, but that is what makes it fun. You are always looking for something to make your experience just a little bit better. Over the past 3 months I have bought 5 mods and about 10 tanks. Not saving any money but sure am having fun!
  3. I love my 30S best tank I have ever used. But I despise the 30B. I never had much luck with it. Just never got a good vape from it and it always flooded. I have heard good things about them but I may have just got a bad one.
  4. Well I have been vaping for 3 months now. Have I saved money over analogs? NO! I buy too much stuff. It has seemed to become somewhat of a hobbie to me now. So I know most of you have several tanks, juices, mods.....etc. So what is your everyday "go to" device, tank and juice? Just curious. Device: ITaste SVD w/one 18650 batt Tank: IClear 30S (which I highly recommend) Juice: FIre and Ice (cinnamon/menthol blend)
  5. Ditto!
  6. Just purchased yesterday. Heavenly Fruit Watermelon Menthol Green Apple Frost I Clear 30S (My New Favorite Tank BTW)
  7. Thank you everyone. Right now the sweet spot seems to be right around 7.5.
  8. I just bought an svd. This is my first vw-vv device. I am still trying to figure out everything that it does. I am unclear what I should be vaping on. Watts or Volts? I am currently using the watts settings at 10.5 if I go any higher I am getting a burnt taste. Should I be vaping on volts instead? I just need to figure out what the best settings would be any advice would be helpful. Setup with a Kanger ProTank 3 and one 18350 battery at the moment.
  9. Within the last week. Picked up an Innokin I-Taste SVD Kanger Pro-Tank 3 EJuice 2 bottles of Fire and Ice Red Hot Menthol Dragons Blood Warm Morning
  10. It looks really good. I have an I-Clear 30B I also use with the cool fire. Actually like it better as far as the warmth and taste of the juice but it is a pain in the rear when you have to change the juice and start over again. If you do not get the parts put back together just right it will flood like crazy.
  11. Well I keep alot of batteries on hand. The vape time sucks. No pun intended lol. I can get about 2-3 hours vaping pretty heavy before it completely dies.
  12. Just bought a Kanger Pro Tank 3 to put on my Cool Fire. I think it looks good. What about ya'll?
  13. I am currently using a Kamry 18350 battery. Its less than a month old. Along with a new charger. When I first bought it, I would plug in the charger and the light was red. Then after a while it would turn to yellow, then green when the battery was fully charged. Now even when I plug it it the light just stays green even with no battery in the charger. What is going on? Does anyone have any ideas? Just wondering if my charger is fried or is it my battery? Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks everyone. I am also wondering if different juices give a better throat hit. A friend of mine says you will get a bigger throat hit from a menthol flavor.
  15. Thats what I thought too.
  16. I was using a 50/50 then went to a 60/40. I could not tell that much difference really.
  17. Thought I would throw this out there for suggestions. I am the type of vapor that needs big throat hit to be satisfied. I am currently using an Innokin Cool Fire 1 with the IClear 30B tank. (which l love BTW). My current juice is a Marlboro Tobacco blend with 20mg nic and 60-40 blend PG VG. I am getting a nice throat hit when I do a few mouth puffs to get the vapor goin then taking that big draw, but I am looking for more. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  18. Well I bit the bullet and just purchased The Cool Fire 1. Just now unpacking it. Wow! This is very nice looking! Can't wait to try it out!
  19. Just bought a Cool Fire 1 today. Just taking it out of the box now. This thing is beautiful!
  20. I am going on 5 weeks now without an analog. I quit the first day I started vaping and I have not had the desire to pick a cig back up. Matter of fact, the smell of them makes me sick to my stomach now.
  21. I didnt get the aftertaste until day 4. Thanks for the information.
  22. I have been at this for just a little over a week now. I am enjoying it very much but however the last few days I have had a problem. I have tried 3 different juices with 3 seperate tanks. I am getting a really bad aftertaste in my mouth and its lasting for quite a while. Any advice on what would be causing this? I started on a tobacco blend then went to a green apple and now I am using a vanilla coffee. Thanks for the help.
  23. Thank you so much for all the information!
  24. Thank you. I am currently using the Kranger t5 with an ego twist battery. Its working really well.
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