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Everything posted by vmshaw

  1. Very smart idea, wish I would have thought of it, lol
  2. I have had it too long to return it. So I has nothing to do with the coil?
  3. That is a really nice box. I have been looking for another box with higher watts then my 30W, but I just cannot do the battery thing anymore. Got spoiled with the on board battery. Congrats,
  4. Ok, Advice needed.......I have this setup but I have been having issues with the juice tasting burnt anywhere past 8w. that is getting about 2.3ohms 4.2v. Anyway, WTH? I am wanting to buy the eLeaf50 with the Kanger Subtank but if I am having issues with the current set up I need toknow what I am doing wrong. Juice taste like SH**. Help would be much appreciated! Valita
  5. Gotcha...Just part of it I guess. Ok. I concede More batterires high MAH and boxes to keep them in....
  6. Spydre, I know you been posting here a while...don't know too much about these others. But I guess what i am asking..the Mod Boxes, all the other Mods, they all take batteries?
  7. Huh that's a BIG NO!
  8. What are the pros and cons with these boxes Please?
  9. So, there is no solution to the battery dance...........that is disappointing. I have like 6 18650's seems like I am charging all the time. I don't want to be tethered either. isn't there another way, like a battery built in? big enough to charge for a couple of days?
  10. Anyone fuigure this thing out? Can you say Juice HOG...wher does it all go? Juice in my mouth. Bought 2 of these.
  11. I am! Any ideas? I have the Vamo 5, 2 Vamo 6. I am really tired of the batttery dance. I think I want to buy one of those pass through mods. Anyone? Is that what they are called wher you have no batteries to change and buy when the new ones get old and the charger the worry about....
  12. I did get an answer from them and under NO circumstances should I use it without that gasket. Withh that said they said the shipping was very expensive from China which is where they are, so.....I am going to order something from them and they will send me one free of course . I don't really have a choice at this point. So, if anyone has this issue that is the answer, it is there for a reason. go to www.esmoke-ksd.com they were quick in answering me, I mean like 5 minutes. Thank you for the kind words. Valita
  13. I really appreciate all the feed back on this post, NOT . I emailed Phil Busardo and he helped me some. I will share with you what he said even though no one cared. He said most likely it is a insulater to keep the battery from short circuiting, but he couldn't be 100% sure. So he said to contact the manufacturer. So I have an enail out the Smoke-KSD to find out. Valita
  14. HI guys, i have somehow lost the little gasket that sits on top of the battery in the body of my VAMO. Can't find them anywhere? what to do? Valita
  15. I will try it. I love fruit loops. Kind of pricey, But if it is as good as you say, you get what you pay for. Thanks for letting us know. It will be fine in my Vamo 5? I don't know anything about dripping.
  16. Cereal? it will be intersting to see howe this plays out. Does it taste like cereal?
  17. EC Blends 24mg Dragons Cafe yum!
  18. That doesn't even sound good. Really? Mtdobies please post what you think after you get it.
  19. It doesn't have anything to do with the device. Just get online and search for eliquids reviews and read and find something you would like to try. Or your local store in town. There are thousands of different flavors and nic levels. Read, read, read. Go to the beginners (I think that is what it is) thing on this forum lots of good info. Have fun!
  20. I have 2 Vamo 5. Gave all my other stuff away to my nephews. I really like the Vamo. Great vaping experience. After I got mine my brother got 2 as well. I got royally ripped off on my first one paid premo price at the B&M for it. came with everything, 2 18350 batteries, charger, clearomzer or cartomizer (confusing to me) (which I quickly gave a way) for 105.00. OUCH! they are heavy if you are used to a spinner or EGO type battery, so that will take some getting used to. But I will never go back to the Spinner or Ego's. Hope this helped some.
  21. I have been vaping Blend 4 from Alien Vision...LOVE IT! Went through a period though when I couldn't taste anything. I think I was dehydrated. I remember ya'll saying something about that. So I drank about a gallon of water and magically it all came back! So, thank you all for your wonderful wisdom. I vape that Blend 4 alot and of course Boba's Bounty. Looking for something else as well, kind of getting bored. Branched out and bought a Vamo 5, learned on here about stacking batteries..no!, but love that thing. Thanks Again! Valita
  22. Eggnog Sounds really good! you did not like it i take it? Halo Torque is the BOMB! love that stuff!
  23. Congrats to you! I know I could not have done it without all the help I have gotten!
  24. OK. Thanks
  25. When I went to order from Fadora it asked if I wanted glass or plastic? What? Does it matter?
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