Hi Guys,
New member here and fairly new to vaping. I'm trying to upgrade from my initial Vision Spinner with something a bit more powerful and I believe I have settled on getting the SmokTech SID although the iTaste SVD and the Vamo V3 were close behind.
Anyways, I found a pretty good deal for the SmokTech SID at pandaecigs.but when I went to select it into the shopping cart I wasn't given a choice of color. Would the non choice of color bother anyone else? It seems silly for me to make a big deal about color but when I find the same device on myvaporstore.or smoktek I get the color option.
Is it valid for me to question why pandaecigs is not giving me choice? Is pandaecigs general a trusted vendor or should I be using myvaporstore.or smoktek or some place else?
Thank you.