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    Madison, WI

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  1. I would love to find high performance with a bit smaller form factor but I have to try and find something that will get me off analog.
  2. Interesting. I was almost ready to send my order but maybe I need to reconsider for a day to check out the Vamo. Is the Vamo huge like the SID?
  3. Thanks, I will!
  4. Thanks for all help! I'll try make up my mind before I go to bed lol
  5. I watched a few videos by that grimmgreen dude and I was surprised to see his preference for mechanicals and he uses that kick you speak of. Are you forced to drip with mechanicals?
  6. What makes your Vamo a better APV in your opinion? Better performance?
  7. I just took a look at the Kamry k100, very neat looking!!! I'm still pretty new to this but I thought most believed that VV was the superior way but as I can see from responses, everyone has a slightly different opinion.
  8. Thanks for the input on myvaporstore. I've only ordered hardware so far from smoktek and I have no complaints but a few sites might be just a tad cheaper.
  9. Dang you!! I thought I had my mind made up lol What do you like so much about the SVD over the Vamo V5, zmax and Smoktech SID? I noticed the SVD is quote a bit more expensive at least from what I see at myvaporstore. What vendors do you tend to trust or not trust?
  10. Hi Guys, New member here and fairly new to vaping. I'm trying to upgrade from my initial Vision Spinner with something a bit more powerful and I believe I have settled on getting the SmokTech SID although the iTaste SVD and the Vamo V3 were close behind. Anyways, I found a pretty good deal for the SmokTech SID at pandaecigs.but when I went to select it into the shopping cart I wasn't given a choice of color. Would the non choice of color bother anyone else? It seems silly for me to make a big deal about color but when I find the same device on myvaporstore.or smoktek I get the color option. Is it valid for me to question why pandaecigs is not giving me choice? Is pandaecigs general a trusted vendor or should I be using myvaporstore.or smoktek or some place else? Thank you.
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