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vaporraper got a reaction from LuckiStarre in mtbakervapor.com
Gata love geting BAKerED up!! ;-)Ecto and thug juice have ben great to me and just made another order to test some more of there juices..
vaporraper got a reaction from BestVapes in Cloud chaser,or not?
I LOVE the flavor when sub-ohming and really dont think it gets any better than when u sub...but to each there own..
Thanks for the input!! :-)
vaporraper got a reaction from BestVapes in Cloud chaser,or not?
I deff like to get a lot of vaper and was just wondering how many of you are into fogging up the place also?
vaporraper got a reaction from RobChase in New to sub-ohming,any advice?
Try twisting the two wires up together when u get more ribbin..sence i started useing it i havent used anything else!! What baterie you using for subing??
vaporraper reacted to joejoevapekins in had to share my igoW clone project
I do have pics but my phones cam is junk lol. But ill put one up
vaporraper got a reaction from spydre in I think I have a family convert
Always good to spread the love,speacially with the family!! Good luck tomorro with that!!
vaporraper got a reaction from NahkriinKrosis in Cloud chaser,or not?
So being a flavor chaser,what do u find to give the BEST flavor? For me ive got some of the best flavor from sub-ohm/ cloud chasing!
vaporraper reacted to Deckyon in My perfect portable vapor box! :-)
Just finished customizing a new Pelican Case as a grab-and-go.
vaporraper reacted to GEFFiCART in Cloud chaser,or not?
I have 3 mods and 3 atomizers that give me difference results depending on my mood, where I'll be vaping, as well as, what I'll be doing while I vape.
With my 3 mods I have:
A Cloud Chaser
A Flavor Chaser
and a vape in balance with clouds and flavor
My mood dictates what type of vape I want to produce
Where I'll be vaping asks the question "would a storm cloud be too much for where I am?"
Lastly what I'll be doing ask the question "would a lightning cloud be in the way of what I'm currently doing?"
If I'm in a crowded public place I do not want to be puffing clouds everywhere and causing too much unwanted attention.
Or if I'm driving I don't want to hotbox my car or mistakenly exhale in front of my face to obstruct my view of driving.
This is why I have 3 builds to my liking.
My Cloud Chaser:
Brass Nemesis Clone | 18650 mode | Igo-W w/ clear cap | dual nano dragon coil | cotton wick | 0.4 ohms
My Flavor Chaser:
Hammer Mod | 18350 mode | Kayfun Lite | single chimney coil | cotton wick | 1.2 ohms
My In-between:
SS Nemesis Clone | 18490 mode | RSST rba | SS cable | 0.8 ohms
vaporraper reacted to Mrwaylon in Is it me or is rda's king?
Yeah that's all i use lol. I'm rebuilding my kayfun lite now. So yeah lol
vaporraper reacted to aufin in My perfect portable vapor box! :-)
Ain't it great? When I was smoking stinkers all I had to do going out the door was pat my pockets and make sure I had my pack and lighter. Now that I've taken up the vape thing I have to carry around a small camera case for everything I take with me ..... "no it's not a man purse, it's a camera case." And, I'm working on a small box for the house to hold stuff. At least it was small when I started. Now I have to rethink everything since I've been experimenting with DIY. This stuff just grows n grows.
vaporraper reacted to GEFFiCART in Good starter RBA that can be used as an all day tank?
if you're worried about leaking don't consider a RSST, that's one that will leak if you lay it down on its side for a period of time.
I go with what everyone else I saying
look up Russian 91% / Kayfun 3.1 / Kayfun Lite / Kayfun Lite Plus
easy tank, no leaks if done right, nice flavorful vape, I would chain vape one all day.
vaporraper reacted to GEFFiCART in General List of RBAs and everything rebuidlable!
I was having problems wicking the cotton at 0.8 ohms
When I used it at 1.3 ohms it was perfect, chain vaping with no problems or dry hits
I'm using my RSST as one that gets good flavor and a good amount of vapor.
So I tried different things that would work at around 0.8 because that was my resistance aim and found out that the SS cable with 3 wraps iirc is great
I'm running cotton still on my other two atomizers [Kayfun Lite & Igo-W]
vaporraper reacted to sparc in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
Maybe adjust the top pin by completly lowering the top pin down, screw on your rda, then screw the top pin in until it can't screw in anymore. Also try the adjustments with or without the kick ring.
I got the original magnets and they are fragile. I droped the mod from 2.5ft on to hardwood floor. The mod and tank took no damage but shattered one magnet. So i'm back using the springs and the only positive thing is that the mod will not fire now when setting it down.
vaporraper reacted to sparc in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
Nemesis is nice. Are you going to get the magnet switch upgrade? I did and the fire button isn't crunchy with the magnets, it's nice and smooth. If you do get the magnet I suggest getting 2 sets because with only one set the weight of the nemesis + tank has the possibility to trigger the firing button when setting the mod down without locking(saftey) ring engaged.
vaporraper got a reaction from NahkriinKrosis in Cloud chaser,or not?
I LOVE the flavor when sub-ohming and really dont think it gets any better than when u sub...but to each there own..
Thanks for the input!! :-)
vaporraper reacted to joe2003 in What is your epic device disaster?
YEEECK,just think of the kind of ummmm particulants you'd be drawing through your coil
and wick into your mouth and lungs !!!
vaporraper reacted to Jerryosterdockjr597 in Lil to no vapor!
I wanna thank you for the help by the way. Just you guys taking the time outta your day means a lot.
vaporraper reacted to NahkriinKrosis in Cloud chaser,or not?
I went to the bathroom yesterday after watching tv for a few hours and when I opened my door I was greeted by this roomful or fruity vapor. I definitely chase some clouds:)
vaporraper reacted to VapeEscape in New to sub-ohming,any advice?
I've been doing some sub ohming for quite awhile now. my only suggestion is to never go below 0.3 ohms. i know its safe with a 30 amp battery but its just my own personal advice. make sure you have PLENTY of airflow to the coils or they will just get too hot to vape.
and i get my batteries from bevapehappy.com if you are interested. they have 15 amp and 30 amp batteries.
vaporraper reacted to spydre in Best commonly available disposable?
Not to be nosy, would this be a significant other, or something like a representative payee, or something like that? You can always explain that while the upfront cost is more expensive, in the long run it not only evens out, but SAVES money.
vaporraper reacted to WillBlack in chapped lips from vapouring
Just not enough time to make any conclusions.
Give it a month and then see what happens
I have no idea why real coffee (with caffeine) was denigrated, the health benefits of coffee are numerous and well documented, the suggestion to drink crap like Diet Pepsi instead is just plain bad advice.
From the Mayo clinic,
vaporraper got a reaction from Nico5point0 in I'm in trouble!
It really is amazing how adicting this hobie can become!! Lol even just becoming a hobie was unexpected..
Theres always worse things u can b doing and spending ure $ on and if u compear it to a pack a day habit ure probably still way ahead of the game..