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  1. So ive done it! :-) 1st tried a 6 week batch and then did 3 months.. Yum yum!! Kinda feel like sending you guys a bottle to try.. verry impressed with the three month batch and have two more oak barrels ready to fill.. also did it with a second juice and it also taste great!! Let me know if you're interested to try some.. I also was thinking about trying the different kinds of oak chips but time will tell if I ever do..
  2. I usually use an rda between .2 and .4 at about 60 to 70 watts with 24 g kanthol.. ive ben playing around with temp control recently and so far twisting 30 and 30 together has been pretty good for me.. I build a single coil with about 8 wraps on my mutation v2 and the vape has definitely been decent enough to keep me using it. The ohm's come out to about .17 and the airflow seems perfect! Its surprising to me cause I haven't used a single coil in a long long time but I figured being somewhat new to tc I should master a single coil before trying a dual coil.. Im far from a master at it but my advice for anyone trying tc on a rda try twisting some kanthol with the nickle and don't use to big of a drip tip..like I said the mutation v2 seems perfect so far.. ill get some pics up eventually.. good luck and don't give up yet! ; )
  3. Thanks guys but I make my own juice and just started steeping juice in an oak barrel... trying to see if anyone else has made any and if they have any tips that can come in handy.. thanks for the info though
  4. So I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with steeping juice in an oak barrel and might have some tips.. I put a 50 bottle batch in one last Sunday and it already seems to be doing wonders! :-)
  5. have you tried twisted coils?did mine with .7 ribbin and 30g....lovin it!!
  6. Ya buddie,another vaper in the team!! Just keeps spreading.. Gata live it! ;-)
  7. Lovin my igo-w to,ben tough to go to anything else!! Do u have some pics of it torched? Ive ben thinkin about doing it but havent steped up to the plate yet.lol
  8. How b's the drippy drippy? U hooked like me,what ohm coil u ben rockin?
  9. Whenever i put cotton threw a coil i always make sure it has some resistance but not to the point of it getting stuck when u slide it back and forth.. As far as the flavor wick/piece of cotton on the coil,i havent ben useing them anymore..ive ben folding the cotton back on itself but not on the coil.. Glad i could help,keep on rockin the vape!!
  10. I like to get the coil biult and make sure it can slide off the paper clip..keep it on the paper clip and put it back together while useing the paper clip to keep the coil right were it needs to be.once the coil is set and back together pull the paper clip out and the coil should be easy to get the cotton threw as long as ure not useing to much..i use a piece of the wire that i made the coil from to sometimes help pull the cotton threw the coil... I hope i explained it good enough to understand and i hope it helps!!
  11. So being a flavor chaser,what do u find to give the BEST flavor? For me ive got some of the best flavor from sub-ohm/ cloud chasing!
  12. Not a problem,glad to help!! If i did lol..but thats realy what vt seems to be about,helping all of us get each others thoughts and helping everyone in the right direction!! Glad you joined the club!! ;-)
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