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Everything posted by DenverBroncs89

  1. So today I recieved my Joye510 from Arno over @ awesomevapor. The customer service was excellent and I got the shipment promptly. No problem with Arno on that aspect.However,I will admit. Ive been using the 510 for several hours now and I am a bit dissapointed. It just doesnt seem to put off the same taste or vapor that my 901 does.Same juice, but different results. I really enjoy the cartridge style that came with my 901,that flat tipped pipe style. The 510 came with the one more alike a regular cigarette with the little hole. Wasnt feeling that much as I like to keep the ecig in my mouth as I sit here and type and such, or drive or whatever. So I figured I'd swap the cartridge that I love from my 901 into the 510 here. Well good news for me as it fits..However It just doesnt seem to give the same throat hit and taste as the 901. Is this because its new and the atty need to kinda be "broken in".Im hitting a wall here...Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Could you please fix me up a rum and coke to go with my cig at least? lmfao..If there is a tab being started and all....
  3. I bought my DSE901 about 3.5 weeks ago from a Mall for 170.00!!! That was the kit mind you, but I seriously wish I had researched the ecig a bit more before agreeing to that crap. That was before I found this site and really did the research. Just ordered my Joye510 from Arno at Awesomevapor for like 55 including shipping. It was 49.00 for the kit. The mall's are the WORST place IMO to buy an Ecig, 95% of them are "Smoking Everywhere"..And well, I'll keep that opinion to myself...Definately do the research. Ive told several of my classmates at school about this site within the last week.
  4. That would really suck Chris, Seeing as Im currently unemployed at the moment. I'll give ya a promisary note or something.
  5. Totally understand what you mean by this Mcquinn,Its a shame that we have lost that in our lives. The simply ability to connect with people when we have something like smoking in common.Except that now you don't necessarily need to stand out in the elements. Now you can vape at your computer and still establish friendships with people.The technology is a blessing and curse at the same time. I get that as well. BTW..I see your hobbies include guitar. I may be needing to speak with you about that. I just picked up my first electric guitar( Squier,Affinity series by Fender).
  6. NP Chris, We all feel the same as I, Im sure. Thats why we all keep coming back.But it's nice to get a thank you sometimes when hard work is recognized.Ive tried running a forums type of website before, It went belly up because I lost the time and finances to take care of it. So I know a little bit of what it takes to keep something of this magnitude going. This thread might surely become a simple shout out to you, but hell. It will have been well earned. I am not trying to kiss anyones *** here, I just realize the importance of what this website truly offers us as a community.
  7. To Christopher and fellow members of Vaportalk.In light of the recent news that the NY senate is in the works or rather has banned the sales of our beloved Ecigs. I simply ask this of Chris..PLEASE, for all that is good in this world. Let NOTHING happen to this site.Since coming here several days ago,this is my number 2 site that I come to on a daily basis.It's first,Broncosforums.com so that I can keep track of my favorite football team and then over here to vaportalk.This is ONE HELL of a website and I get nervous that the ecig business will slowly begin to fall into despair as this thing happening in NY is not going to stop. How they can deem it worthy of banning sales for is just beyond me. My wife who absolutely despises me smoking analogs and who has spent many a night crying and pleading with me to please quit so that we can live a long and happy life together, now sits on the couch with me watching movies as I vape away like no tomorrow. A goofy grin on her face whenever she sees the little blue LED. She knows that I enjoy smoking and that it has become a part of my daily life,but now...I am making moves to better my health in a positive,alternative way. I will never bash smokers for smoking, It's just something that I choose not to do anymore. Im a vaper and proud of it. So, my main point is this. This website is such a vast source of knowledge for all of us and I just ask that we all stick together on this.Smoking is something that brings people together. I don't know how often I would smoke outside my favorite restaurant and just meet a damn cool person because we lit up a smoke and had a great talk.Whether you are an analog smoker or now a vaper, We are all a fellowship because we all understand the health concerns,the joys, and the pains in the ***'s of smoking.If it came down to the point where Christopher had to charge a monthly fee in order to keep this site up because the sales became suddenly shut off or whatever methods are used to keep the site up fell through.I would GLADLY pay it and I would like to think that Im not the only one alone on that mentality. Thats all, sorry for the rant all. Im just so fired up right now, but on the flip side. Im so thankful that Ive a place to go where folks understand what I am going through. Thanks Chris,all moderators and fellow posters for this site. It's seriously like therapy for me.
  8. AMCNutt, That indeed was a very enjoyable writeup.LOL, I have been without an analog for 10 days now. Everytime I seriously get a craving for one, I simply pick up Marissa(Long story, But she was a very good looking X girlfriend) and vape away. Im really hoping I get my Joye510 from Arno by tomorrow. I have seen that Ban going on in New York and Im just fuming over it. I wont get into my thoughts as I love this site and dont want to be banned.However, Im very certain that all of us are sharing these very thoughts.Keep your head up bro, this vaping stuff works and I really dig the Idea that I can smoke here in the basement as I type this and I am not harming my wife or kids in any way..Except for my son asking me what Im doing with a flashlight in my mouth all the time.LOL..Good times.
  9. Hey guys, So while I wait for my new Joye510, I have a DSE901 as some of you know. My question is, Ive been DD alot lately because I feel that the throat hit and taste are a bit better. However,Ive noticed that my atty is starting to get some yellow buildup around the actual thing that gets hot, that part that you can see sticking out? Cone looking thingie..I want to clean it out so I dont kill it.Whats some suggestions? Thanks all for all the great advice and tips that have been brought forth.
  10. Well all, I ordered my 2nd ecig last night. I decided to go with the Joye510. It seemed pretty cool and I like the idea of not having a shutoff when I choose to inhale a bit more deeply. Got a pretty good deal on from Awesomevapor.Had some questions and they got back to me right away.So, I should have it hopefully by monday.
  11. I wasnt too sure about cleaning the cartridge as you described it but it makes sense,Will give it a shot.I have noticed that about the 901,I tend to get the juice in my mouth if I draw too deep. Cant sleep,playing Madden on the Xbox 360.LOL I will check out the vendors that you guys mentioned. Im looking forward to it.
  12. Hey Kitsune, Thanks alot for the response. We are practically neighbors! Im in Greenwood Village. As far as the strength, Im not too sure. Unfortunately, Its not labeled on the bottle.Vaping has been great so far, I have been without an Analog since last week and usually by this point I would have broken down and bought another pack.I am so thankful I found this Ecig Phenom. Also,Vegas..I tried the directdrip. Actually took out the cartridge that was in there and it was pretty nasty. Much better throat hit and taste going DD.
  13. Thanks so much for the response VegasVapor.So far, the DSE901 has been decent to me. The battery life is not what I would like it to be but you take the good with the bad right? What do you mean by "Direct Drip".
  14. Hello all, Im Matt and new to vaping.As the title states I need some insight on this. First let it be known that I LOVE VAPING! I got mine about three weeks ago and like some others that I have read about, I just cannot seem to put the darn thing down.I am curious as to the brand I got. I got it down at one of the booths at a mall down in Albuquerque and don't remember the name of the vendor.However, according to the box(Grey and black box that says "E Series" on the cover and the card inside its a "DSE901",the blue one.Do any of you have experience with this particular model or know someone that has used it? My second question is these drops that I am putting in the cartridge thing. Im using what this particlar vendor labeled as"Marlboro".To me it tastes nothing like Marlboro,I was a pack a day smoker of the things for about 6 years.I will fill the cartridge with 4-5 drops and it seems like within an hour of steady vaping the thing is tasteless and needs to be refilled.Is this normal? I bought the 30ML bottle about two weeks ago and it's half gone already.I would like to find a reputable vendor that I can purchase supplies from. Any help or comments with the above mentioned questions would be greatly appreciated. Ive been lurking on this site for a few days now and finally decided to join. Seems like a great group of people.Thanks again.
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