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bluesurfboy got a reaction from McClain718 in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
I had a kanger pro tank 2 i was using and noticed it would gurgle and the juice was dissapearing out of the tank, I found it to be leaking, completely disassembled, tightened cores, checked seals, reassembled, and sure enough after sitting a few minutes the juice level was lower and vaping was gurgled and spitting. I went back to the shop after taking apart, wasting juice and time 4-5 times. It would do this everytime after vaping and sitting (i know the kanger tanks may apear to lose fill on initial filling, but it kept dropping each time i picked it up, and not because i was vaping alot.
They said to try on wattage mode (I was using a iTazteVV) - I dont know why it would make a difference, but leaking stops. vaping density is more consistent throughout the draw instead of spitty and "static-y" in voltage mode..
Has anyone else experienced this or is this just me?
and is there a reason/explanation for why this might happen?
bluesurfboy reacted to 3Rutez in New to Vaping Mechs
RiP Trippers did the best and most thorough tutorial for the nano dragon coil build.
bluesurfboy reacted to GEFFiCART in Help with understanding coil gauge and wrapping
it would be the 5-6 wrap of 28G
30G has more resistance per inch than 28G
for example if you're trying to build a 1ohm coil
4-5 wraps on 30G would be equal to 6-7 wrap on 28G
now that was an example not direct measurements. maybe factors play into your resistance reading
bluesurfboy reacted to 3Rutez in New to Vaping Mechs
If your dragon isn't breathing right, it could only be due to either the angle or wick not done correctly. It took me a few tries to get the vapor streaming, and it turned out to be the wick not being done right. Under and over, then wrapped around the end and tucked under. Make sure the end is completely covered, with only the top part of the coil open. It should look like this..
You can see the top of one side, and the back of the other coil is completely covered.
Pull the cotton under the coil and through the posts, then wrap over the top around the post, over the bottom end of the coil and tuck it under. Do the exact same thing with the bottom portion of the cotton. It should be completely covered after that.
bluesurfboy reacted to 1cheater in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
We have also had this discussion in another thread and my newbie fix which helped my situation 100% was to change to a 2.2 ohm and 100% VG juice which is thicker juice... I"m a tad bit surprised that juices are never dicussed as part of the leaking issue because is you think about it, different juice mixes have thinner or thicker viscostity which can lead to leaking through the rubber seals/o-rings or the o-rings are shrinking due to heat of the juice over time? Just my thoughts, I'm new to this.. Sometimes its good to get a fresh/newbie perspective..
bluesurfboy reacted to bcartervol98 in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
KPT, Davides, T3S, every coil I have ever tried to use that came with a tank leaked. I finally just stopped trying. I have yet to have a bad or leaky coil come out of a Kanger 5pack.
bluesurfboy reacted to Bebop in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
Its hit or miss with the coils that come with the tank. Some have been fine. Ive had a couple that weren't.
bluesurfboy reacted to Bebop in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
Unless it's a killer rabbit!