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1cheater got a reaction from Mtdobies in Nautilus on the vtr
They make vtr's with faces? can you talk to it? does it give instruction?I would prefer the female model...
1cheater got a reaction from scott flowers in Worst tanks and why?
Pt2 leaked bad forever, before i figured out it was bad o-rings, now it works fine; but still to tight on the draw..any top loaded coil tank used suked.. I just purchased a Nautilus and so far i'm disapointed with the draw and over all performance has not been good.. The 2 large holes seem to be to large and i get a wide open draw, the 2 small holes are two small...I have somewhat solved that problem by closing the largest air flow hole half way..Both of the coils have burnt out in 2 days on 3.7V -5W.. it hits like **** on Watt setting, but does somewhat better on volts i have no clue why..The flavor seems to be lacking and throat hit..The B&M i bought it at gave me a replacement coil and i found some info that the coils may perform better on 50/50 juice? If anyone could give some advice that woul be great.. FYI, I use an SVD now, used to use Mvp2 until that broke.
1cheater reacted to bcartervol98 in Does your wife let you/do you vape in your house with kids/other people that don't vape
My wife and I have been on the same page about almost everything for almost 15 years. I'm very lucky I guess. I just cannot imagine not being allowed to vape in my home. Yes my wife vapes too but I think she would rather have me alive than not have harmless quickly dissipating water vapor in the house even if she didn't. In the end everyone is different, relationships are different that's just my two cents.
1cheater reacted to LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape in Is this any good for newbie
Yeah I'm gonna check out the SID I want a color one rather than stainless steel.. I quite like the look of the kamry k100 and k102 aswell but the k100 I want to look girly like this pic dunno if it's any good or not tho tbh just like the color people stare at me ATM when I'm in the street vaping like WTF is that thing in ur hand lol
1cheater reacted to Dasfriek in Looking for better throat hit
I'd wait on some ejuice suppliers to be listed than just buying something from a Google search. That place may be fine, but the guys here will know the perfect place to buy from. I buy equipment from sweet-vapes.com and buy my juice locally.
1cheater reacted to Dasfriek in Looking for better throat hit
I'd say it's equipment that's lacking, You have progressed past it.
But nothing is cheap on the good side of equipment.
First you need a mod, I'd suggest the innokin MVP so you don't need to buy batteries and charger as it's built into the MVP.
If you prefer to use replaceable batteries and charger so you can swap charged cells in as needed is suggest SVD or Vamo.
The MVP and SVD both come with a I30 tank which some like, but I prefer Kanger ProTanks. Either the PT2,PT3 or PT Aero.
You could spend as little as $70 or as much as $150 on the stuff I listed.
Why buy all this? Power and quality designed products that came about due to the small cheaper stuff not able to deliver what people wanted.
I'd suggest looking for a local vape shot and look at what you may like and works for you. Buying local is almost always more expensive over buying online, but having a local shop to help while your new can be a big help.
Once you try the good stuff you will be amazed at the difference!
Oh and stick with a 70/30 or 80/20 PG/VG ratio on your juice as suggested above.
1cheater reacted to Justin_Knuth in Does your wife let you/do you vape in your house with kids/other people that don't vape
in the house no but in the car sometimes especially when it looks like there is a cloud in the car.
1cheater reacted to Compenstine in Does your wife let you/do you vape in your house with kids/other people that don't vape
I'm at a point where I don't trust the FDA to be honest. They have already shown them selves to incite fear over facts. Most of this is driven by lost tax revenues, big tobacco, and pharmaceutical companies that have more to loose by the facts of vaping than we do. If it were up these people we would all be back smoking analogs so they could continue to gain from fear and prejudice. I think they should make Tobacco the controlled substance and leave vaping alone.
*Gets off soapbox
1cheater got a reaction from Sweatervest13 in Any Athletes out there?
I"m a washed up typical 40's jock/athlete.. I ran cross country and track all through high school. I did a lot a distance running; so I believe I have a good grasp of the true meaning after going from running 60-70 miles a week when in HS to a pack a day smoker for 25 years. My lung capicty has changed a signifigant amount in the 5-6 months i"ve been vaping. So I do believe vaping has been a very good alternative for me.... Please keep in mind that I have tried quiting cold turkey lasted 3 years; been on chantix 3 times..yaddda, yadda..yaddaa..
Let me state the obvious by saying I think that vaping is by far the best alternative.
1cheater got a reaction from bluesurfboy in Kanger Pro Tank 2 Leaks on Voltage Mode, Flawless on Wattage Mode
We have also had this discussion in another thread and my newbie fix which helped my situation 100% was to change to a 2.2 ohm and 100% VG juice which is thicker juice... I"m a tad bit surprised that juices are never dicussed as part of the leaking issue because is you think about it, different juice mixes have thinner or thicker viscostity which can lead to leaking through the rubber seals/o-rings or the o-rings are shrinking due to heat of the juice over time? Just my thoughts, I'm new to this.. Sometimes its good to get a fresh/newbie perspective..
1cheater got a reaction from Bebop in Juice in the mouth
Yes, i understand what your saying, but in her case I believe her juice is to thin as was my case, also in my case im using a 2.2 ohm which increases tge life span of the coil depending on voltage
1cheater got a reaction from spydre in Juice in the mouth
It sounds to me like the KPT minni would be a great fit for your situation. If it fits on your setup. Did you know they sell a minni? Its a slimmer form factor then the regualar KPT and they sell diffrent colored glass tanks; not sure if they sell pink, you would have to Google it or look at http://www.fasttech.com/ they may have it.