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About Jenny

  • Birthday 10/28/1975

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  1. I tried some of the more generic ones that looked like cigs, I also tried the Blu brand. To me, it was a lot of sucking on air... they just didn't seem juicy enough I was a pack a day smoker and a cartrigde would never last me a whole day. This time I tried the eGo-C and oh wow!!!! You will not be dissapointed. You have a big ol' tank full of juice and you can see when it's getting low... and I haven't done the math yet, but I am pretty sure it will cost less than $750 a year --some places vary in the price of their juice so I guess it depends on your favorite and how much you smoke --if you buy in bulk and catch sales, etc. The first couple days I was sucking on that thing like it was an extension of my lips! lol I was a chain smoker, you see. And b/c of that I was going through about 2.5 tanks a day and using up the battery in less than a day. --I was also getting a burnt taste and some leaking. Today I was able to slow it down a bit and take slower draws off the e-cig and hit it less. No problems today. My battery has lasted me all day, and I am just now about to go fill the tank for the second time. You get a LOT of vapor from it (I am using a Vegetable Glycerine based juice, or VG --the PV ones tend to make less vapor but are said to have better flavor and more of a throat hit) --either way, it's still a lot more vapor than one like you are using and i think it tastes WAY better. I say try an eGo tank type for your wife and see what you think. When I used the other brands, I would grab real cigs in between. With the eGo-C I haven't --I even have an open pack shoved in the kitchen drawer that was put there when my ecig got here a few days ago and I haven't gone for one. I love that I can smoke in the house without feeling guilty. I love that I will extend my life (unless I get hit by a bus or something --I have an autistic child and I have to outlive him so smoking wasn't going to help me with that. I love not smelling like an ashtray. I love the money that I will be saving.
  2. Thanks everyone!!! I order from a couple different companies to try out various juices. I really don't like the throat hit if you can believe that But I have noticed with only two flavors here at the house, they don't seem to have that distinctive taste that they did the first day --it's kinda of all tasting the same. I am using VG right now. I ordered about 8 more flavors, some are pg/vg mixes, and some just pg. So maybe when I can switch off to more flavors I will be able to taste them better. I noticed a few issues with the eGo-C --but I think it was b/c I was hitting it like I was chain smoking a reg cig. I was puffing too quick and frequent and was getting a burnt taste from the atomizer. A few leaks a couple times too when I wasn't paying attn and found myself holding the battery button down for no reason (lol, I can't do two things at once). Today I have been more concious of my vaping and it's not given me any trouble at all. I am loving it!
  3. I was here before but couldn't remember my log in. I wasn't here for long! But, I thought I would check back in as I just got my first REAL ecig. I say real, because I was using Blu and mostly sucking air I just got my eGo-C today and I can see a future with no more ash all over the place, no more melted laptop keyboard keys from when the cherry of my analog cig falls on it, no more $6 a day for my precious Camel Turkish Golds --heck, the water bill will even drop b/c I won't need that second shower of the day before my guy comes over to wash the smoke smell out of my hair! --it's a win all around! I am loving this C. Quick question... is there a "less chemical" benefit to VG over PG. I try to reduce my chemical exposure (yeah, I preach about toxins in our environment but was a closet pack a day smoker --the irony wasn't lost on me) and to me VG SOUNDS better for you, doesn't "vegetalbe glycerin" just sound better?? I am aware of the flavor/vapor/throat hit difference. But is there any other benefit? Thanks! Oh! Looky there! It says I have 6 posts, it must have linked to my old account through facebook. Cool!
  4. Can you help the newbie here? "Steep" I know what the word means But in this context are you doing anything special, or just letting them sit and not using them right away?
  5. ROFL, right??? all medicine should be risk vs. benefit. In the case of smoking vs Chantix, I suppose one could argue risk v. benefit, Chantix wins... you *might* hang yourself but you probably WILL die from smoking. HOWEVER, in the risk v. benefit evaluation you have to consider OTHER options... Chantix vs. smoking vs. vaping.... there is an obvious winner.
  6. ugh. Good luck. MMR manufacture Merck stopped making the single shots... then said they would begin again, now they have said they will not. SO currently no one is making the single shot. If you would like some info on some books about vaccines and that suggest alternative vaccine schedule, and what you can do to avoid MMR, etc etc... then send me a private message and I will help you out as much I can.
  7. Oh! Such a lovely welcome... Thank you! I am so used to getting yelled at, this was nice, lol. Look what I saw today, I thought of you all right away! http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/04/21/nicotine.vaccine.nicvax/index.html It is so sad, but funny, but sad... I think it illustrates my points. If you wonder how much money vaccines can make for the manufactures, Gardasil made $3 billion for Merck when it was approved for girls only... AND this wasn't a mandatory vaccine covered by insurance!
  8. Greetings All! (sorry, that was to be "Who knew there WAS fda drama..." I am brand new to the forum, and brand new to ecigs (and in love btw). I wanted to share my thoughts, my 2 cents... well maybe 5 cents. I come to you from the land of autism and vaccine controversy --let me say up front I refuse to discuss that here, here is not the place to tell me my opinions are wrong, this is not the place to debate it. I just want to give you some background on my beef with the FDA and other gov't "regulatory" bodies. There are lots of parents just like me who saw vaccine damage in our kids. We aren't dumb, we aren't crazy fringe people. Most of us have clinical and lab evidence on our sides along with biological plausibility. Vaccines carry risk, in our country we choose the "herd immunity" method, and even vaccine manufactures will acknowledge that sometimes people take one for the herd. B/c of this we fight... the CDC, the FDA, big Pharma, etc. We want safer products, true informed consent, and a safer vaccine schedule/program. Are we asking for too much. Apparently so. I was surprised to learn that the FDA was trying to ban ecigs, but only for about 1 nanosecond. Most of you are hitting the nail on the head. Money rules. Who stands to lose? Tobacco Companies for one. THAT is a HUGE lobby in Washington... Big Pharma... probably the biggest lobby! --As a smoker I don't want a patch or gum, I want something to put in my mouth and drag on. I am not even a big nicotine addict, heck, for my refills I ordered zero nicotine liquids. For me it was the hand to mouth habit. So, bye bye gum and patches and Chantix and Zyban. Let's not forget the taxes on cigarettes that are paying for children health care in every single state. (more on that in a minute) And of course, all the politicians take contributions from Tobacco and Pharma, and those directly in their pockets. This is a tough group to go against. And right now, the ecig community is SMALL. --comparatively small. So the FDA is trying to strike RIGHT NOW while, essentially, no one is looking. But in the end, ecigs WILL WIN. 1. Vaccines are the sacred cow, I am not sure we will ever "win" --too many see them as essential and safe and necessary for survival. The vaccine battle that I fight will go on for decades. 2. Everyone knows cigarettes are HORRIBLE for you. They are "death hasteners" ANY product seen as a "safer" (not SAFE, safER) alternative will win out in the court of public opinion. (Though, as far as I am concerned these are safe) Ecig users MUST start educating all their family and friends and people we come into contact with about ecigs --Hell, I suppose I should get with the rest of you and STOP calling them "e cigs" and call them vaping devices. --like I said, the FDA is moving quickly now b/c they don't think that enough people CARE!! Make sure they do! b/c the first thing my mom said when I told her about this was, "Of course they want to ban them, it's all about the money." The public at large needs to be educated. Start SHAMING them. Ask them, "Why do you want me to stop breathing in water vapor and go back to burning cigarettes?" Frame the question to point out how ridiculous they are being! educate, educate, educate. I think this issue will hit its tipping point pretty quickly the more that everyone, smokers and non smokers understand just HOW this product compares to regular cigs... CAN someone make a comparison chart? List the % of "toxins" found in ecigs versus regular cigs? b/c that would be a hilariously lop-sided chart. I could go on and on, but perhaps more of my thoughts and opinions will come out in the replies, so I will stop, b/c I am the queen of rambling, BUT... I wanted to point out something that made me laugh --the whole anti-freeze thing... Did you know that Antifreeze is in vaccines? Diethylene Glycol is in some childhood vaccines. Along with many other toxic substances and heavy metals. I will keep this little nugget close to my heart and be sure to bring it up the next time I am telling off someone all up in my face about vaccines --oh and my thought on taxes. I do think these should be regulated, to an extent --but I wonder about the "sin" taxes. If the FDA regulates this as a nicotine/tobacco product are they going to TAX the hell out of it... Will they find a reason to tax water vapor?
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