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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Lmfao!!! I thought thats what you meant.
  2. Lol! I ain't hatin' ! That thing is cool !
  3. Glad it helped! I just got turned on to http://sweetsouthernvapes.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59 Can wait for the ordering to begin!
  4. With something that big, it could double as a personal defense device! Lol
  5. With all the talk from the "senior" vapers about the Provari, I may have to look into getting one.
  6. No, the juices I listed, you'll have to go to diff sites. http://www.goodlifevapor.com http://pinkspotvapors.com http://juicyejuice.com http://vapetrik.com http://ecblendflavors.com Hope this helps.
  7. I appreciate the info guys! Didn't mean to get off topic or stray from OP orig prob/question. I'll stick with the Luc for the time being. I've only got the 1 mech mod and 2 batts.
  8. I guess I'm gonna have to track down a CVS out here on the road.
  9. I got a couple from a B&M ( Lucky Vapors ) in Ennis,TX that they make while you wait. So far, so good.
  10. I'm really hung up on Cosmic Crunch and Zombie Blood by Gloodlifevapor. Also diggin' Strawberry Delight by JuicyEjuice.
  11. I'm not familiar with them, but I soon will be! Thanks for throwing this one out there! Gonna grab a few. A LOT of great looking flaves.
  12. If I had the authorization to drop that much coin, I'd get that full collection they have for $400+
  13. Nevermind. I found it. Was just being lazy.
  14. Ok, that nails it! Gonna drop some coin on it! Have to! Lol
  15. I'd take a look here on the VT shop. Pinkspot vapors is good, JuicyEjuice, Goodlifevapor, ECblend, Vapetrik are some of the ones I use. Remember, taste is subjective. Whats good to me may not be good to you. But, I hope these help.
  16. Can you provide a link? Now that I'm dripping, I'd like to get into a larger variety of flavors and samples.
  17. I prefer the Vision Spinner. I bought a Joyetech Twist, but notice myself grabbing for the Spinner more. When it goes on the charger, I resort to the Twist. No real reason behind it other than the fact I bought the Spinner first.
  18. 3Rutez, what is your charger of choice? I bought an Efest Luc V4. Was that a good choice? I purchased it with my AR mod from Vapor-Hub. I've only used it twice with no probs, but if there's a better one to be had, then, I wanna get it.
  19. I'm using cotton balls that i've seperated and boiled a couple times. Some people boil, some don't. I'd go with organic cotton if I could find it where I live.
  20. JUDAS PRIEST!!! The best original heavy metal band of all time! Thanks Jeff for posting this! I've got a couple albums at home, but after seeing this post, it prompted me to immediately hit up itunes to have my fix NOWWW! Lol
  21. I'm gonna have to agree with Spydre on this one. Even though the one she tried was 0 nic, it sets a bad precedent and image of what we're all about. Being responsible adults and vapers. I have 16 y/o twin daughters and have NEVER let them try alcohol or any other substance. They had to see my addiction to cigarettes first hand and are happy that I've stopped. I have explained to them the health benefits of my choice to vape, but have not gone into detail with them about how delicious the various flavors are. I don't wanna entice them into it. Just my 2 cents. FWIW
  22. Received my vape kit the day after Thanksgiving 2013. Immediately put down the analogs and started vaping. Almost fell of the wagon 4 weeks later when I was dissatisfied with my kit. Found this forum and the help and support I needed. Now, the smell of smoke disgusts me. Yay for Vape!
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