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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. So, tonite was pretty cool. My last trainee, Derek, has a load going to Memphis as well. We met up and drove to the truckstop and had dinner. It was cool seeing him so soon after releasing him into his own truck. Btw, he's been stinky free for almost 2 weeks now! I'm really proud of him! He was one of my best trainee's and I'm honored to have helped him quit smoking too!
  2. When I get to CO, I'll show ya. Lol. You cant fit one of these into a car.
  3. You're fine to use a magnetic battery spacer on positive end. The Tobeco black panzer has that problem. Guess when they were making them, they figured everyone would use the buttontop batts. The clone from HCigar doesn't have that problem.
  4. I've got plenty of that as well sis! Having an air ride seat helps out a lot, but once I'm on a concrete road surface thats been beat to hell, then I get beat to hell too.
  5. Yep! But rolling on the Arkansas highways pretty much nullifies the advantages of an air ride seat! Louisiana too!
  6. Vince got the link, but I think Bird Dog won by virtue of analysis... and admin royalty.
  7. Levid, thats not for e juices. Only solids
  8. Just me thinking out loud here, but having that mesh under the tip looks like your "clearomizer" is intended for uses other than vaping e liquids. Dang it! Too slow again!
  9. So, I was trolling the FT and came across a guy who did thisto his Magma. Thinkin about buying a couple from FT and giving this a go. Gonna have to get some diamond bits for my Dremel too. What say you?
  10. Loaded up with steel sheets. Heading down to Memphis, TN.
  11. Their Ghost Busta and Peppermint White Chocolate are equally delicious! I think I've found my go to for my candy and dessert fix! I'll definitely be ordering from them again! Btw, the ghost busta is like the old ecto-coolers or a lemon lime capri-sun
  12. I couldn't pass that one up. Lol
  13. Ok. Don't ever say this again! Lmao!
  14. http://m.policymic.com/articles/90197/the-world-s-top-scientists-just-issued-a-surprising-statement-on-e-cigarettes?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social
  15. Decided to go back to a dual 26g 8 wrap 0.41 ohm build on my Magma. Having the single nano dragon would dry up the cotton faster than it could wick up. Really throws the vapor! Pic didn't do it justice. Was having a hard time snapping the pic at just the right time.
  16. I have the DDD 28mm atty. But you better believe they'll be making the 28mm rbtas soon. 26650 is the next step in rebuiling evolution.
  17. They are now making 28mm atty's for the Hades. Well, the Hades and other 26650 mods
  18. Get it here: http://101vape.com/rebuildable-atomizers-tanks/309-magma-atomizer-clone-by-infinite.html
  19. Sorry. Forgot to mention it. Thats the Magma!
  20. Cloud chasing ain't cheap. The cost can be measured in fingers, hands, and faces. You wanna do it on a budget and not do your research? Hope you can afford it...
  21. A lot of people torch theirs to get that look
  22. Ma, you can have first vape. I just wanna see Comp in a Wonka Hat. Lol
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