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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. If I'm not mistaken, most of your licorice/anise juices are of a higher acidic nature and will crack plastic tanks. If you're using a pyrex glass tank style setup, you'll be fine.
  2. To me it provides a better vape. It brings out different notes of the flavors that I can't get from my kpt2's. Also, it satisfies ny tinkering itch. It's more of a hobby for me at this point.
  3. Thanks for those links Will! I may try the silver plating stuff. Yeah, the emory board I'm using is super-fine.
  4. Yep! But also what Aquatroy said above ^, darker and sweeter juices will burn thru a coil faster. It tends to burn em out and gunk em up a bit faster.
  5. There are so many good quality attys out there! And everyone here has their own favorite or go to device. Vivi Novas are decent too!
  6. I'm on the fence about that Troy. These days with all the info out there about the harmful effects of "Real" tobacco products, you'd think that 18 year old people would know what they're doing. At the same time, there are already 18 y/o's smoking,chewing, etc, they'll be cutoff at the register. But, I also agree that something needs to be done. As a veteran, I USED to believe that if you're old enough to serve, you should be allowed to drink. At this point, I think they should raise the age limit to get in the military to 21 so that they can raise the age limit to voting to 21.
  7. You might benefit from a tank style system such as a Kanger Protank 2 or the Ayvape Davide Mini.
  8. Sometimes those starter kits have lower quality atomizers. Its possible you could have a bad one. How many times have you changed it out?
  9. What brand of juice are you using? Do you know what the mix is of the PG/VG?
  10. Sorry to hear that. I'm getting some new juice in this w/e thats a 90% VG just for blowing some thick clouds with.
  11. Time consuming, I know. But, after about 2 days of drying, it lost all that weird chem taste IMO.
  12. The way I did it was to let it come to a rolling boil for about 10 minutes then let it cool for 30 and then repeated it 2 more times.
  13. I only did mine 3 times cause I was bored! Lol. My wife had to go to a conference in Little Rock that week and didn't get home till Saturday afternoon. I also have a small OCD problem that sometimes causes me to do things 3 times. But, with the amount of cotton I did..I should be set for at least a couple of years! Lol!
  14. Glad to hear you're off analogs! Welcome to Vapor Talk!
  15. Ok. Well, whatever I did got rid of the funky taste. Lol! Thats all I cared about. I'll take the impurities, just without the taste. Boiling, for me, wasn't a matter of the impurities per se. Just about that chemical taste. Thanks for the info!
  16. I kinda figured it'd be a long shot. They're working okay. How often to you have to clean yours? I've only had my AR mod for just over a week and I just had to clean of the bottom(neg) and the top contacts with a fine emory board to get better contact.
  17. The majority of those guys back then owned their own trucks. Then de-regulation of the trucking industry happened. A couple years later...there were more and more transportation companies starting up and purchasing their own trucks. About 5-7 years after de-regulation, there were more company trucks hauling frieght across the country. As the years went by, some companies got huge (i.e. J B Hunt). Now, most of us are just slow moving company drivers. :-(
  18. Well, regardless, I tried my cotton wicks from the same bag before AND after I boiled it. Before, it had a chemical taste to it that no matter how long I vaped on it, it wouldn't go away. After, I rewicked with the 3x boiled and dried cotton and I got no chem taste. Just the juice wicking thru. Not trying to be argumentative with ya Medic. But, if boiling doesn't remove, destroy, or neutralize bacteria or other impurities, is there ever a reason to boil water outside of making hard-boiled eggs?
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