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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. If a commercial driver is ticketed for talking on phone while driving without hands free, the minimum fine is $2,700 to the driver and $11,000 to the company that employs said driver!
  2. I love Temco! Cheap wire alll day long! Just ordered another 100 ft of 32,30,28 and 0.5 ribbon each. I've got that RDA itch and I intend to scratch the hell out of it!
  3. Maybe I did something wrong last week then, cause I sure as sh*t melted one right off the post. It flared up red before the other one did and instead of glowing from the inside out, it started at the post sides and melted the negative lead off. As soon as it happened, I immediately spun the bottom batt cap off and dropped the batt out to check it. Luckily enough, the battery didn't get ruined or anything, but now that one battery is in my exclusion pile. I've seen guys using two different style coils on the same rda, but until a new builder gets more experience, I wouldn't recommend it. Imho
  4. I guess mod builders had better get busy then! Lol. We may see a trend here soon of larger diameter rda's and rba's!
  5. If you're gonna be building dual coil setups, they need to be the same (i.e. same style and/or same number of wraps) If not, one coil could go hotter than the other to the point it melts right off the post and could cause a hard short, which could be very bad for the battery inside you mod! It's best to have an Ohms checker for your coil building. Hope this helps!
  6. Thanks for the advice Tam! Will do next time
  7. Went to Branson Vapor today and bought; (180 mls of various juices 1 iClear 30, 2 ce4's, 1 3hole alum batt stand for the wife), 1 Nimbus atty, 20 mls of VG, 1 rechargeable ohms checker, and another 180mls of various juices for myself. I absolutely LOVE Branson Vapor in Branson, Missouri! The owner., Charles, is very knowledgeable and friendly. Either answering questions, or just BS-ing, he gives personal attention to everyone who comes in! His staff is well versed in all of vaping and very friendly as well!
  8. Sweet! May have to look into this! Thanks Dragongunner!
  9. Lol! My scotch doesn't have a bag. But, thats okay. I only drink at home. Where I can be close to my recliner! Lol
  10. And one perhaps for... Extra crown? Lol
  11. Spy, I've actually read those studies about hands free not being any better, and the variables they used in the study are flawed. They used the most improbable scenario to validate an agenda. Now, that's not to say they're 100% safe. Is any of this starting to sound familiar? Yep, the same government functionaries who tell us e-cigs are bad gave us the hands free are bad. Not the same scientist, mind you. The same actuaries. Number crunchers who rely on peer-review psuedo science versus actual field study.
  12. Saw it on RipTrippers! That thing is SICK!!!
  13. I have the Patriot rda. I absolutely love it! Fasttech has the patriot clone,nimbus, igo-w. They're all good!
  14. I'm thinking, you pretty much already have all the glass tanks that you're loking for. Lol
  15. Sweet! I'm shooting for sometime in may. What do you think?
  16. You got Tam! Maybe a mini Vape Meet! Lol
  17. I'll probably post more as it comes to me. I've got over 12 years of Over-the-Road driving and 1 million safe driving miles (no tickets or accidents) under my belt. It may seem weird to some of you to see my posts popping up throughout the day, but I assure you, I'm not driving while I post. I'm training a new driver. He'll be with me another two weeks and then my posts will slow down to only the times I'm not rolling. Lol
  18. Yeah, when I mapped the address, I saw where it was. Good deal! When we're into late spring, I'll request a load out that way and spend my w/e in Denver! I can't wait! I'll have to bring my big wallet! Lol!
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