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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Wasn't really being hasty Will. Thats why I said "most people I've talked to". Not my experience. I prefer building my own. That way I have no one to blame for quality except me. Plus, when I mess up, it gives me a chance to get better. Wasn't trying to step on any reviewers toes. Lol
  2. Nice build! Does it already have a name or can we dub you with the honors? Kinda liked the "Octo-coil"! Lol
  3. I guess if I'd have went back a page and re-read your post, I'd have answered my own question! Lol. What gauge wire is that?
  4. Dude! Thats sweet! What rda is that on? *adding another rda to my list* lol I'm so far down the rabbit hole now! Lol.
  5. A friend told me this will: http://www.kidneypuncher.com/69-clone/ But, don't quote me on it. Lol
  6. You will have to at least change the coil/s and wicks out every so often (couple weeks or so). You can get a cheap rda from fasttech and they usually have a premade coil/wick asxembly in them, but most people I've talked to, say they (coil/wicks) are junk. Fasttech also sells bulk coil/wick assemblies as well. But if the ones that already come in the rda's are junk, I wouldn't imaging these are any better. Getting into rebuildables will require some working with small parts and such. Those, like me, find pleasure in working on perfecting coil building and tinkering in general. I don't want to discourage you away from it, but it does have its own challenges and learning curve. Hope this helps!
  7. It can lower the resistance by, I think, a third. It also creates a hot vape. It helps with flavor and vapor production.
  8. Btw, I'm not gonna be triple twisting the 28ga, those are just gonna go double. The 32ga will get tripled.
  9. I'm gonna wrap em around the screw instead of putting thru the post holes. I could probably get em thru the neg posts on my Patriot but not two thru the positive post for a dual setup. So, I'll just wrap em. Lol
  10. When I get home this w/e, I'm gonna do a triple twisted 32ga and a twisted 28ga
  11. You can twist any gauge together. You can watch Riptrippers on Youtube. You'll need pliers, a variable speed drill, and an allen key.
  12. Thats a nice case! I travel with a soft-sided three layer tackle box. Lol
  13. Something like this naval brass Medic? Just milled to look like the above ^^ pics.
  14. Maybe even something like this but only dimpled on the outside and not drilled all the way through.
  15. Don't know about Pyrex. As many times at I smack a tooth on the ones I have while driving, I don't wanna pick glass outta my gums! Lol. But maybe a clear plastic one. I dunno
  16. I'm sure we could. I'd like one in naval brass, ss, and black. Lol
  17. If its the same flavor, you can mix a about 1/4 of your 18mg and the rest with 0 to make it about 4.5mg. So, that way you still get your nic-fix and the tiniest of throat hit.
  18. As far as posting pic, I just started using Tapatalk app, before that, I was using photobucket. I like Tapatalk better, easier to use! Is the throat hit too much?
  19. Lmao! Yep, as soon as I went to the "Darkside" (rda's), I had to drop from a 12 down to a 6 and sometimes depending on the juice, a 3 or 0.
  20. Thats a good build! The only reason I can guess at as to why you're not blowing huge clouds would have to be juice and/or more airflow from your cap.
  21. Geff, can you post a pic of that? I'd like to give that one a try. How is it on flavor&vapor
  22. Just part of my "on the road" kit. My trucks dash isn't big enough for the all of it. Lol
  23. You'll get ok flavor, but the pg carries the flavor better. Maybe try going down to a 30pg/70vg. Good flavor, better vapor. Also, I understand the need for more room on the deck, but by taking off the 3rd post you delete a great opportunity for some serious vapor with a dual coil setup. I'm running a twisted 32ga 5/6 wrap dual setup at 0.7 ohms using Lucky#7 (banana high vg) juice from GoodlifeVapor and chucking BIG vapor!
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