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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Ok. It'll go in my exclusion pile. Thanks Geff
  2. Is this a problem? The plastic casing has worn down around the base of the neg side.
  3. @ Geff, where did you get your Helios clone?
  4. Ok, just change the coil out and see if that works.
  5. So, when you put the mini on it and press the button, does the button light up solid or blink?
  6. I got ahead of myself. What kind of batt are you using?
  7. You can mix them together, but I'd get an empty bottle and oly do a little bit. Some flavors mix great, some... not so much. Some juice vendors even sell a straight up menthol additive so that you can add a drop or two to your favorite juices.
  8. If you are using your cell, on the normal site, (not Tapatalk) go to the bottom of any page and switch to "Full Version". Then go to the upper right corner and cllick on your name, hit profile, the when your profile comes up, click on the "edit" tab.
  9. Ahh, ok! Hows that working for you? I'm intrigued by the whole clear cap thing. I'm gonna pick one up for my Patriot.
  10. Yes, you may need a new coil. Is your battery charged? If so, when you push the button with the mini attached, is the button staying lit or blinking? If its blinking while holding down, it may be indicating a short somewhere or your battery is dead.
  11. If you do start re/building coils, get your Kanthal here: http://www.temcoindustrialpower.com/search.html?t1=Kanthal A lot of times a 100 ft spool is cheaper than 10 ft from a vape shop. And its free shipping!
  12. Welcome to tge DARKSIDE Ugalady! Lol @Happy Vapor, there's a lot of back and forth on wether to boil or not. I do, but only to remove any weird taste from the cotton. I've been educated by a longtime member here ( iMedic ), that boiling it only pulles the impurities out of the cotton and into the top layer of water , that when you pull your cotton out, its going right thru the stuff again. As far as I'm concerned, its a taste thing. The way I look at it, is if there's anything in there that hasn't been rendered inactive after boiling 3 times, well, whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Lol
  13. I think the orginal intent for the design was to emulate the pattern of the foreward hand guards of an m-16. Which, up close, it does. But, you're right. At first glance, it does look like a silencer. The owner of my local vape shop said pretty much the same thing! Lol If I get time this w/e, I'll try to get a better up close pic of it next to my AR15 (5.56).
  14. This is my current RDA: That sits atop my AR mod: Which is the whole reason for me reaching out to a couple companies making large bore drip tips. Kinda fits with the militaristic theme, right?
  15. Do you still need to drill out the air holes bigger for better airflow on the Helios?
  16. Its gonna take a little while. Right now I'm just in the beginning planning phase with the manufacturer.
  17. Sweet! Gonna build some Geff's NanoBunnies this w/e! Thanks for the pics and info on those btw!
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