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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. We have 11 hours of drive time before we have to take a 10 hour sleeper or break. To make things a little more complicated we have 14 hrs to get the 11 hours of driving done in. Confused yet? Standard way of thinking about this is to say, I get up at 7am and do a 15 minute pretrip inspection. At the moment I go "on duty", I have 14 hours to get my 11 hours of driving in. So, at 9 pm, I have to stop driving and take a 10 hour break, whether I drove all 11 or only 4.
  2. Right now, I'm trying my best to stay awake till 7am. This week is the last week my trainee will be with me and the load I have on my trailer has to be in Hagerstown,MD monday morning at 9:30c. From my house, we're 1070 miles away. So, about 18 hours +/-. He'll be taking the first shift while I sleep. Then its my turn behind the wheel overnight. Normally, I don't run "team" status with my trainees, but this guy has previous otr driving experience. He's a good driver and I'm totally comfortable sleeping while he drives. Most of the trainees I get are straight out of truck driving school and there is NO WAY I'd get any sleep behind them. Lol
  3. Well, I'll try my best to give as much knowledge as I can impart through this thread!
  4. I wish I could, but the company I drive for, only allows family to ride. If I was still an owner/op, I would.
  5. Wow! That blows! Where are you talking about?
  6. I wish you could take a trip in a big rig for a week. It tends to give people a new perspective on the driving behavior of those in cars. It has changed the way my wife drives, as well as my mother, grandmother, and my dad, before he passed away. You also have to remember that driving is what we do. Its our office, our specialty. Yep, some truckers are a-holes and suck at what they do. There will always be bad apples out there. But, I always drive as if every person in a car around me is family. I wish more truckers would do that. But, as each passing generation gives way to the next, there'll be a time when those idiot,obnoxious teenagers we all see at the mall, will be some of the ones behind the wheel of big rigs. I cringe!
  7. Besides Jeff, the freeway system was actually designed primarily for military movement and inter/intra-state commerce. From a pure experience perspective, rush hour jams are primarily caused by poor planning and a large populace of self important people.
  8. I think big rigs should be banned from Cali. Lol
  9. You bet I will! Speaking of goals...my 3 month vapersary will be here on the 27th of Feb!
  10. 10 years is what I'm aiming for with my company. After that, I'm gonna try and get hired on with Walmart as an otr driver. I have two close friends that are already drive for them. They showed me their w-2's last week... Holy crap! They nearly doubled what I make a year! And what I make is nothing to sneeze at as far as otr flatbedding is concerned. I'll most likely have to make the change in the next 3 years anyway. Flatbedding is a young mans game! I may seem like a young man to someone older than me, but the Marine Corps and life made me into an old man prematurely. Lol
  11. Well, today marks my 7th anniversary date with my company. 7 years SAFE! No accidents, incidents, or tickets. If I can continue to average 2,500 miles per week, I should hit my 1 million mile safe driving in less than a year. (Knock on wood)!
  12. I only know of two brands that he sells; Goodlifevapor and JuicyEjuice. He's getting ready to stock a new brand, but for the life of me, I can't remember what brand he's bringing in. He had a personal supply that he let me drip and it was awesome!
  13. Welcome to VT! You'll find a wealth of info here!
  14. I'm diggin it! I'd like to get one and do some experimental builds. Like a 28ga twisted micro bunny. Or a chimney.
  15. I'll take another pic before I rewick it
  16. Dual NanoBunny. The wicking is a bit sloppy. But Dayum this thing spews the vapor and flavor is Awesome! Inspiration for this goes to GEFFiCART!
  17. Thats a good build! But, if it were me, I'd try to get the wraps a little tighter by getting them glowing, let off the button, and give em a good squeeze with tweezers. The edges look a little close to the outer edge of the deck. Might cause a short. Imho
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