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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I'm in the same boat as the OP. I just want a Plain Ole Vanilla.
  2. If the dark liquids are your weakness, maybe... come over to the darkside and get an RDA and mech mod. Sorry, just HAD to thow it out there. Lol
  3. Congrats CrazyAvonLady! Thats what its all about!
  4. Very good point Miakoda! Just... Don't use the point on me. Lol.
  5. I wasn't a cloudy till I got my first rda. Now... I've been researching TONS of coil builds and experimenting till I get those massive clouds! As long as the flavor stays rich, I'll chase em! Lol I've fallen down the rebuildable "rabbit hole"! Now I'm fully Darkside! I gave all but one of my pt style tanks to my wife. Even gifted ger my MVP. Lol
  6. Tam would be the bedt to answer that, but she probably won't be on till a little later.
  7. Oh yeah! Always do! I did one on my nimbus with twisted 32g and it came to .6 ohms. I wanna get down into the .3 territory. I'm not gonna go below that. But each successive build gets just a little lower each time. Right now I'm running a double dual vert twisted 28 at a comfy .7 and she's tasting good snd foggin the place up! But man does it go through a lot of juice! Having to redrip about every 6 pulls.
  8. Just twisted up 4 strands of 32ga. Also did 2 strands of 32ga with 1of 28ga. I'll post a pick later in the week when I wrap it. Gonna try vertical quad coil with 4 wraps per coil with a single twisted strand.
  9. I started vaping and quit smoking Nov 27,2013. At that time I weighed 245 lbs. Well, here I am almost 3 months later and no stinkies at 227 lbs! I'm not one who was ever overly concerned with my weight. I only step on the scale a couple times a year. But just a few minutes ago my wife commented that she thinks I'm losing weight. She somehow got me on the scale and .... WOW!!! 18lbs lighter! Anyone else have this pleasant little side effect of vaping?
  10. I'll take my nic in my juice and my caffine in my coffee.
  11. Sorry to hear it! It may take another couple years, but I hope it becomes more acceptable to vape where we're not allowed.
  12. The worst for me was a double fatality caused by a container box coming lose from its trailer. It happened right in front of me.
  13. Yep! I'm surprised I haven't produced a leather diamond at this point with as many times Mr Butt tried to eat the seat!
  14. Lmao! Wow! I'm speachless. I think I just blushed... Lol
  15. I got caught up in that twister that came thru Moore, OK. Me and three other trucks in the parking lot were the only ones that weren't touched. Not even a scratch on my rig.
  16. Another one springs to mind, now that I'm reminiscing. Back when I was driving for Maverick transportation in 2006, I was going across/thru the Chesapeake bay toll bridge/tunnel. When I was coming up out of a tunnel onto the bridge, I had a seagull fly right into my passenger side windshield. It hit my passenger seat dead and there was blood and feathers everywhere. I LITERALLY filled my underpants. I managed NOT to wreck the truck, but my shorts were totaled! Lol
  17. Bizarre... Back in 2000, I hauled a nerve agent to a disposal facility in west central Indiana. I had a federal lead car in front of me and one behind me. I got to bypass all weightstations and inspection stations. That load paid my truck off back then! Oh, and that was the same load that I met my second ex-wife on. And before you ask, I'm on number 3, and she is my charm!
  18. I generally try to prepare myself for night driving like I'm doing now. Staying awake till morning, exhausting myself to induce sleep during the day.
  19. @Comp, my most memorable... Well, thats censored! Lol. @Tam, I luckily have Sirius satellite radio in my truck. I can usually find something on that'll entertain me enough to stay awake. I normally don't train drivers full time, so I normally don't drive late into night. I try to start my day early enough so that I can get a decent parking spot before all the truckstops fill up.
  20. Yeah, there was a lot of decorum drilled into our heads.
  21. Oh, they will always be around. A lot of the places I pickup from or deliver to require us to check in over the CB. I only use mine these days to communicate in a traffic back-up, with our customers, and in construction zones. You wouldn't believe the amount of childish foul mouthed rhetoric you'd hear over the airwaves at or near a truckstop. Now, I have a pretty foul mouth myself, having been a Marine, but I know when and where to use it. I try to be respectful of children and women when it comes to my language. And if a female trucker gets on the radio...its like 30 sex starved maniacs come out of the woodwork!
  22. As far as being rested... Well, you can make a trucker take his mandated 10 hr break, but you can't make him sleep. Lol. My body only allows me to sleep 6 hrs at a time (unless I'm at home and have been drinking). But, there are always some drivers that would rather stay up and jack their jaws on the CB radio all night. I rarely use my CB anymore. It used to be that you cold get useful info from others about where the cops with speed traps are and if there were any backups ahead, but now its a bunch of overgrown adolescent idiots talking smack all the time. Lol.
  23. It's generally the drivers responsibility to route himself/herself safely. Our company does have a new computer satellite system that now incorporates a cmv gps system that is supposed to keep us off of roads that are weight restricted and have low clearance bridges. However, they aren't always accurate. We have cmv specific atlases that have restricted highways and low clearance locations listed by state in the front of the atlas. Those atlases are made by Rand-Mcnally and they update their maps, coordinated state-by-state every year. A trucker without a cmv atlas is a dangerous thing. Lol I've been routing myself since before there were gps's available to the general public. I rely on me, not a computer, and definitely not a person who sits behind a desk who has never driven a big truck before.
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