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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. You gotta understand though, at the time I was a 6ft1 and 190 gym rat newly promo'd Sgt. And he looked a lot like Howdy Doody! Super small, red hair, freckle faced, looking like he just stepped off the campus of your nearest university.
  2. That thing looks like a modified pocket knife! Cool as sh*t! I wonder... Hmm... Yep. If I build it, they wil come! Lol
  3. Might be a while before I do. I have about 30 things ahead of it on my "to get" list. Lol. My list keeps growing! I'm coming to realize, that I might be obsessing a little. I have a literal list that I'm working on. I rewrote it a couple hours ago so I could read my writting a little better and well... Its frickin long!
  4. I got dressed down pretty good for kicking a boot-a*s lietenant and his grunts off my live fire demo range at CAX in 29 Palms, CA. It wasn't why I did it, but how. I was range-O and they were about to advance forward of our line. Problem was, we had over 120 lbs of BOOM fixin to happen. So, when at first he didn't listen, I grabbed him by his LBV and threw him over my shoulder and brought him to my Comm-O to get on the horn with TOC and see if they could explain to him that a Bangalore Torpedo enima was very going to be quite painful and costly. My Battalion CO thought it was the funniest thing he ever heard, but he still had to make an example out of me to keep up appearances and such.
  5. TA DA! http://bevapehappy.com/shop/exclusive-preorder-sale-qvapes-coiler/#!prettyPhoto
  6. Worst Posting? Mine was 6 months of Minefield Maintenance at Guantanimo Bay Cuba. Waaay back before it became a glorified prison base.
  7. Not sure what you mean. I was only there for 36 hrs. Got hooked up with a couple VERY nice ladies though. We were supposed to be there for a 4 week stint, but they retasked our float to UNITAS. We booked it to South Americs to assist with DEA and the FAST Marines with drug interdiction.
  8. I'll have to look into it. I'm thinking about trying out Fat Daddy's Vapin Donuts. Ceramic coils. Going dual puts you at 0.3ohms. Might be nice on days I don't feel like building coils. Just don't know when that'll be yet. I'm addicted now. Hell, I even dream about building coils now.
  9. Haven't heard of it. You use it? Where can you get it?
  10. Are you going back to Cav? Or will you stay 79s? In the Corps, the position of Career Planner was what we used to call a "B" billet. Recruiting Duty and Drill Instructor was "A" billet. An NCO had to serve in either "A" or "B" billet to advance to Staff NCO.
  11. Yeah, I'd have to two-hand it just to hit the bottom button and the head button.
  12. Hold torch in left hand upside down, line up tip of butane can with fill port with right hand. Then push can down firmly and hold till it starts hissing and overflowing then stop. It is now ready to be used!
  13. I've taken to it so fully, that I'm putting together my wishlist for the various RDAs and RBAs I wanna get. When I get home, I'm gonna throw an order at Fasttech and get a crap-ton of clones and give'em a try! I've got my auth Patriot that I LOVE and my Nimbus clone that was meh till I drilled out the post holes bigger and replaced the allen key set screws with knurled head screws. I have yet to gunk up a coil in either one, but that may be because I rebuild a different coil/s for them about every 2 days! Lol. I can't stop myself! I need a straightjacket!
  14. The Wife just called and said my 100 ft of each 32,30,28,24g kanthal and 0.8,0.5 ribbon wire came in. As well as my illuminated magnifying jewelers visor! Now I'll be able to see what the heck I'm doing! Lol :p
  15. Yep, figured I'd bring us all together. Sort of like an E-club! Lol
  16. Once you redo your cotton, give it another go b4 lowering the nic, if still harsh well...then we know to drop a level.
  17. I just hope I helped! Lol. Brain feelin foggy this mornin. Theres nothing more embarrasing to me than to try and offer guidance and then be wrong. Lol
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