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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Welcome to the the "No Stinky" , Vapor Talk family Jimmy! Glad to have ya! Glad you got back your "new car smell"! Lol
  2. Nice present Spydre! Hope your tasty buds get back real soon.
  3. I'm truly sorry that we don't measure up to your ivory tower, elitist, psuedo-intellectual level. I never realized we were in the presence of THE vaping god-father. With that much brain, doesn't your head feel heavy? So glad I don't have that problem. I'm so happy to breathe the same air as someone as great as you! Please have mercy on us poor uneducated serfs!
  4. The question asked isn't what offends. It's the way that its asked. If you want to be a prick and denigrate the responses you recieved after the first couple of replies to your original post, and then make a condescending remark about pocket protector wearing vape pros, that is your right. However, it behooves me to tell you, good luck finding knowledgable people here that'll help you with that attitude and lack of respect. This'll be my last response to you. Good day to you.
  5. Meh. I like it, but I'd rather have my airholes in just the cap and not the deck.
  6. The Helios is on my list of next purchases
  7. I'm not gonna do the 1 strand deal again though. That was a b!tch! I did the first side off the deck, but had to wrap the other on the deck. PITA!
  8. Triple twisted 32g dual nano bunnies with one strand of wire. 0.4 ohms. PITA to wrap!
  9. Lmao! If I lived closer, I'd do it for ya'll Ya gotta get it lined up just right, then jam it down and hold it.
  10. Did you ever get your torch filled?
  11. Is this cause for a celebration? I may have some glitter and confetti around here somewhere...
  12. The so called "vape pros", have been vaping, most likely for a long time. They know that the only "REASON" that the e-juice even provides that "unicorn" throat hit that you're chasing, is caused by the Nic level, and the PG/VG ratio. This forum exists to provide a fun but educating place for the exchange of information, help, techniques, on just good old fashioned advice. I understand that you wanna just be told whats the best. But, there is NO BEST! Futhermore, you won't get much help here by slamming the people who offer said help. IMHO
  13. Not for nothing here, Nic level, PG/VG ratio has A LOT to do with throaf hit. The Nic And the PG are what causes it. And when you steep your juice, sometimes the Nic level will fall off slighty. BTW there is NO BEST of anything. Only to yourself. It's ALL subjective! Your taste, your style, your device. Just my 2 cents!
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