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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Happy, if you're just looking for a target ohm so you can run it on your MVP, you may just wanna stick to single coil setup. When you add that 2nd coil, you effectively halve the ohms of the first. So, like Joe said above, it takes him 14 wraps of 28g to acheive 1.8 ohms. 2 of those on your rda will get you 0.9 ohms. Is that right Joe? Been drinking since noon and my thinker is a bit fuzzy! Lol!
  2. It all depends on your style. I have both now, and I find myself grabbing for my k100 more often. But that could be the flavor I have in my rda on my k100 is my addiction.
  3. Get into a Kanger Protank 2 or KPT2 mini.
  4. Dang Bebop! You're on the ball! It takes me forever to form a response using my cell! Lol
  5. Well, I tried finding one that had 900 mAh or higher, but they were sold out. At least this gets you in the game. And it leaves you enough $ left over for juice samplers! Happy vaping! Hope that helps!
  6. Would this work? http://www.quality-vapor.com/kanger-mini-protank-2-starter-kit/ You can upgrade the batts to vv for $8 more, but the mAh of them isn't as high.
  7. You'll have to increase the number of wraps on each coil. A given rule of thumb is that, if both coils are identical in guage and number of wraps, you reduce the ohms by half that of the single coil.
  8. I'm inclined to believe the word "obsessive" is relative. Lol!
  9. I keep my vv Vision Spinners around for my KPT2's and my mech's for my RDA's.
  10. Lyrical, what device are you gonna sit atop your mech? If you're just gonna use a kpt or similar tank style glasso or clearo, then I tend to agree with blucavvy. But, if you're looking into going the RDA/RBA route, then that mech will be a good start.
  11. @bcarter, Purging is good! I wish my trucking company would purge some of the idiot drivers I have to share the road with! @Crazyavonlady, you got this girl! Yo-yo your nic as long as you need. Whatever it takes to stay off the analogs.
  12. Tam is absolutely correct! I experienced a sub-par starter kit and wound up eating the cost on it when it failed just a matter of days later. I spent upwards of $150 on just the starter kit, without the juices. I could've had QUALITY for half of what I spent. I wish I would've knew about this wonderful forum and AWESOME people BEFORE I started vaping! When Tam, Bebop, and BCarter speak... I listen.
  13. Welcome to Vapor Talk! Nautilus is a great choice for upgrade, if you can find one! Congrats on the switch to vaping!
  14. I'd like to try a clone before I try and track down an authentic one. I don't mind a high price tag as long as I have a decent knowledge base before I dive into the deep waters. Got any advice on a clone?
  15. Been building coils for a month now in my RDAs and ready for an RBA tank I can get into. Any thoughts on my first? I'd like to stay away from having to use wire mesh or NR wire just yet. Thanks all!
  16. Lmao! Me too! North West Arkansas would be completely melted down!
  17. Thanks for the kudos Joe! Nice blueing! Did you do that with a torch? Was thinking of doing that to my k-101 clone extension tube but not sure if its ss or chrome plated.
  18. 0.3 ohms. But, had to redo it 2x. Kept having 1 coil heating up way to fast! Kept getting scorched cotton
  19. Since I've been stuck in Indianapolis, waiting on the shop to do my full service on my truck, I decided to go check out a B &M just down the road. Its called 317 Vapers. They're located at 1678 stonegate dr greenwood,in On the south side of Indy. James, the proprietor, is well stocked in 4 different vendors e juice and even better stocked in his own house blends. He had a nice selection of just about everything! Prices were resonable. He and his wife were very knowledgable and helpful! This store is fairly new and they were kept busy with an influx of people coming in. Great atmosphere! If you ever find yourself in Indy or just rolling thru, stop in and check em out!
  20. Stuck in Indy for truck service and found 317 Vapers B&M. Great people! Thanks James! 1 igo-w3 3 15ml house blend liquids @ $22(very good) 2 VTC4 1 20ml Ruckus e liquid(gorilla guts)*yum* 1 Maraxus clone 1 k-101 2 empty bottles Yay me!
  21. Yep! This is my home away from home. And the fine people here are my cell mates...oops sorry, I meant family! Lol
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