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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. It'll get better! Keep your head up! You are already ahead of the curve!
  2. You're gonna want to use Kanthal A-1 resistance wire. You can use any size silica wick. Some of us here use cotton for our wicking materal. You may want to Youtube Riptrippers and Grimmgreen for coil building how to's. I use a variety of wire sizes from 33gauge up to 24gauge. You're gonna need an ohms meter as well to test for ohms before you just fire up your first build.
  3. 100% VG can shorten the life of your stock clearomizers.
  4. I wish I could be as good at explaining things as you Bebop! You're good!
  5. No prob! The rebuildables are fun, but there is a learning curve to it.
  6. I would just go with the Vamo then. You'll want to do a lot of research on rebuildables before jumping into them.
  7. There is a DNA mod out there that will protect you in a hard short scenario, but unless you build one yourself, they are hard to come by as they sell out quickly. They are also expensive. $250 or more.
  8. To acheive the BIG clouds you'll need to understand mechanical mods, batteries, and rebuildable dripping atomizers. There is no safety mechanisms in place on these if you happen to have a hard short.
  9. Youtube Riptrippers or Grimmgreen for coil building tutorials
  10. Get yourself a Patriot clone to start out with. Make sure its the 22mm diameter one. Has a larger deck to work with for learning on. Once you get the hang of it, get one of everykind you can get your hands on! Lol! Here's where to get your Patriot clone; http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10007050/1604700
  11. Can we call it quad anything if its just a dual? I like it! Dual Quad-Stacker!
  12. Oh Crap! Can I use that one?! "Fear The Dragon"!!! I'll need an echo box for my voice though! Thats freakin funny dude!
  13. Not sure what this build should be called, but it delivers big vapor and TONS of flavor! 28g 4 x 4 duals.
  14. I love Twisted builds! Just wish I could go dual twisted in my Patriot. I could drill the posts bigger, but I ain't gonna. I'll wait till I get my patriot clones in to do that. I don't wanna screw up my authentic one. I don't feel bad about ruining a $6 clone, but my wife would hurt me if I mess up a $60 one! Lol
  15. Lol! My wife gets PISSED when I blow clouds in the living room! Lmao! I don't think I'll ever get away with vaping in the house unless I'm using my Vision Spinner and KPT2's! Lol
  16. By 317 Vapers: Monkeys gone wild, Slimer, and Dreamsicle. By Ruckus: Gorilla Guts
  17. Get it here: http://www.temcoindustrialpower.com/products/Resistance_Wire/RW0107.html Their prices are AWESOME! And its all free shipping!
  18. I was just looking to DL vape in my living room! Lol! The wife says no vaping in the house.
  19. Thats true! I unfortunately only have 18650 batts! Need to get some shortys so I can vape on the DL! Lol!
  20. Not from my perspective. Mine are both clones, but any performance probs I've had were from different batts I was using. I'm using the 30a sony vtc4's now and the performance is the same for both. Imo
  21. I like the hooks in free crappie at the lake! Lol!
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