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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Nah. Picture quality from my iphone wont to it justice.
  2. Update: So, I reversed the direction of the nano dragons. The upward open ends are pointed to the center now. Vapor is much better now. Still not as much as my other build, but better. I think I narrowed down the problem. It has to be the nature of the igo-w3s airflow holes being at the bottom the deck and cap. I'll vape it for now, but I'm probably gonna switch the dragons over to the nimbus due to its airholes are higher in the cap.
  3. I'm using them on my igo-w3 if that helps
  4. Ok, I have my dual nano dragons built and wicked properly. When I juice em up and fire em, the vapor shoots out like they're supposed too. I'm using the same juice as one of my other builds that really throws the vapor. But with my dragons, very little and lite vapor production. The juice I'm using is damn near 100% VG. The only thing I can think of that I did wrong is my openings are facing out instead of in. Should that make that big of a diff?
  5. Thats pretty neat to be able to see the inards!
  6. Yep! Its called Constitutional Libertarianism. Welcome to the club! Its easy to think you're going to the right when both political parties are swinging to the left. I don't align myself with the Tea Party due to there being too much religious affiliation. A lot of their talk regarding a return to a limited Constitutional government is right on the money, but too many of them wanna legislate morality. And that, falls outside the Constitution.
  7. I'm trying, dang it! I bet it wont fit anyway! My head is too big. It has an extra few inches to protect the pea-brain I have inside! Lol
  8. I try and vape that first. I've noticed different flavor/vapor characteristics depending on the tightness of the twist. I've got a looser twist of 28g in my nimbus that seems to bring out more flavor than the tighter twist in my patriot. But my patriot absolutely cranks out the clouds. But, then again, it could be the difference in the way the decks and caps are made and drilled. So many variables... Making my brain hurt! Lol
  9. I'd put my party hat on but it seems to have been eaten by a certain four legged friend. BTW, what do the letters D.U.N.C.E. mean anyway? Lol
  10. True, but the iclear30 should have some pictograph manual that shows how to replace the coil/wick assembly. Mine did anyway
  11. Ok. The iclear30 is whats called a "clearomizer". Inside the plastic tube, there's a thing on top with wicks coming out of it. Thats the coil or head unit if you prefer. Those are replaceable. Just unscrew it and screw another in its place. Don't over tighten.
  12. You'll have to replace the carto with a new one and check it.
  13. Today marks my 3rd month analog freee! Vape On!
  14. Nothing dies without a lock around here. Lol
  15. Hmm. I was gonna suggest that it may have gelled, but now, not sure
  16. What was the PG/VG ratio of the juice you put in it?
  17. Wrapping on a 20g needle is equivalent to a 1/32nd bit and thus its a "nano". Wrapping on a 5/64th bit or 12g needle is considered a "micro". I've seen "macro" coils done using a loose wrap method hand wound around doubled up silica.
  18. When you say the top part, do you mean the atomizer? You prabably have a short in your atty.
  19. That's a beautiful twist! How did you snap that pic? On your microscope? Great up close detail!
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