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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I don't remeber what my hole sizes are! I did it with SAE bits, I "think" is was 1/8th.
  2. As soon as you get em, I want 3! XXL please!
  3. You may need to drill the airhole larger. Build a single coil setup first, wick it, and give her a toot. If it feels too tight, drill it out a step or two bigger. If and when you decide to build a dual setup, you will definitely want to open the airhole up or drill a new one opposite the first. I had to do that on my nimbus clone. Only problem with that is, if it only came with one hole, it may be opposite the logo. I'm not one who is overly concerned with aesthetics, so drilling thru the logo is no big deal for me as it pertains to clones.
  4. I'm one of those guys who use cotton for every coil build. Everyone has their own thing. The only bad thing with cotton is "dry hits". Damn they hurt! Lol
  5. If I'm not mistaken Comp, RipTrippers shows a rebuild on the nautilus coil.
  6. The cotton looks good to me! As long as it wicks okay, its good! I usually put the same amount as you did in my deck just to hold a little bit more juice. Lol
  7. Tam, BirdDog, Jeffb. or Bebop would be the best to ask about carto's and tanks.
  8. Device: AR Mod Atty: Patriot w/ dual 10/9 28g wrap mustache coils at 0.5ohms Juice: Dreamsicle by 317Vapers
  9. SWEEET! Dude, I'll def be pickin ur brain! Your builds are stellar and your vapor is phenominal! Keep up the vids and welcome to Vapor Talk!
  10. @Hadouken, are you Leo, from Youtube?
  11. A good rule of thumb that I use; if it indoors and no one is allowed to smoke cigs, I don't vape. Your first instinct was correct. I always try and think about others around me. We all know that vaping is harmless and produces only water vapor, however we want to raise awareness about what we're doing and being respectful of those around us are first and foremost.
  12. If you are wanting to sub ohm, then you'll need to get a mech mod, batteries for it, and a charger for your batts.
  13. Looks a little thin, but when my juices (80-90% VG) acclimate to the warm(hot) temp in my big rig, they drip rather thin too. If that video is an indication that it JUST arrived in the mail with NO time to acclimate in your house and it still drips that thin, then I'd say its "may" not be the 80vg you were hoping for. Give it a toot and see.
  14. 6 wraps of 32g around a 5/64th bit should yield around a 2.4ohm coil If you did that twice and wanted to run dual coil setup, you'd still yield a nice 1.2 ohm setup. You can still run that on many regulated mods
  15. I'm jealous Bebop!!! In the 20 years I smoked, I never could blow rings!
  16. The matte black finish is what I'm going for. I'm hoping to be able to do it myself. I'd love to have all my shiny stuff Cerakoted, but I'm not gonna send it off to do it. Here's my AR mod and Patriot atty in black:
  17. @Comp, I gotta keep things mobile. Just wanna thank the Borg for outfitting me with a neato head-unit for coil building! Without it, I drop a LOT of coils. Lol
  18. Not sure why my pics are posting sideways.
  19. Here's a small one produced from my iclear30 on my MVP 2:
  20. Anyone want to share their pics of vapor production? Anything from the small vapes all the way up to the cloud chasers! Share and enjoy!
  21. I get uneven dragon snort due to a deviated septum:
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