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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. I wasn't sure. I thought it was made of polypropelene and not polycarbonate. Propelene good, carbonate not so much. I've only heard of 1 instance of the iclear30 cracking. But, was just being better safe than sorry. Good to hear the iclear's are safe! Thanks for the heads up Vispera!
  2. I'm somewhere between 5-7mls a day, but when I first srarted was around the 2-3mls a day. In the tank style clearo's and glasso's I don't vape as much due to the higher nic levels I use in them. But in my drippers, I do straight lung hits, so my nic in them is waaaay down near 3mg, which means I vape a LOT more.
  3. Plastic tanks are bound to their metal counterparts with glue. The citrus types are called "tank crackers" because they not only eat away at the glue bonding but can also etch away at the plastic themselves causing leaks. Sorry, the iclears are threaded plastic and not glued. But the acidic juices may still crack the iclear's plastic.
  4. Just my 2cents here, but maybe also something along the lines of a citrus type might help too if you're not using anything with a plastic tank.
  5. Troy, you're in a catagory that is, "as yet to be defined"! Lol
  6. No prob buddy! Just happy I could help out!
  7. I wish I'd have know! I would've just had you build me one! Lol
  8. Lol! No probs man! Thats what we're all about!
  9. Lmao @ Joe! I just did the same thing! I mixed Zombie Blood, Cosmic Crunch, and some Dreamsicle together and YUUUMMMY!
  10. It all depends. I had a kanger protank2 and my coils always went up when they were getting gunked up on me. Theres no ryhme or reason. If its still working, keep on vaping it. I used to clean and dry burn mine to get the gunk off the coils about once a week. Then I'd just keep vaping till the coil died.
  11. Just ordered my Q-Vapes coiler: https://bevapehappy.com/shop/exclusive-preorder-sale-qvapes-coiler/
  12. Trust me Troy, I'd rather be elsewhere, but my company is trying to keep me in an area where they can get to Jacksonville, NC to see my daughters.
  13. I'm just happy to help! I'm stuck in Rome,Georgia for the day and happy to be Joshy-On-The-Spot! Lol
  14. Nico, back to your original post, I personally haven't used them, but here is a link to an AGR Carto Tank: http://www.steammonkey.com/mobile/product.aspx?ProductCode=agrtank And that same site also sells carto's. If you're really interested in more knowledge about them, you should PM Tam or Bebop for links on how they work.
  15. Be sure to check out the threads in reduildable atomizers under hardware specific. Read thru the pinned threads and some of the others too. Always make sure you're vaping safe! Read up on battery safety and get yourself an ohm meter. Nothing wrong with moving up as long as you're doing your due-diligence. Happy Vaping! And welcome to Vapor Talk!
  16. I think all the vapor has gone to my brain! It's super hazy up there!
  17. Thats what I thought! I misunderstood your post about trying something diff. My bad bro! Lol
  18. There's not a coil dictionary thread, but I imagine, with all of us pitching in, we could cobble one together! Lol
  19. Yeah, that'd be a job for my Borg outfit! Lol
  20. I sure she will. She's just been super stressed at work.
  21. You can't really see the coils, but I'm running 10/9 wrap, 28g dual nano, dragon-wicked coils on 2 posts and she's really throwin' the vapor! It's choking the crap outta me on the exhale! Looks like a hazy rave going on inside my truck! Lol
  22. You can't run that low? Gotta get ya a mech buddy! Lol
  23. Most people here, myself included, would recommend stepping up and getting a couple Vision Spinner batteries and a couple Anyvape Davide's or Kanger Protank 2's. Be sure to check out the various forum sponsered vendors near the bottom of the thread list on the home screen. There are plenty of people here who are knowledgable and happy to answer any questions you may have! And BTW, Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
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