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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Your first pic shows a Patriot rebuildable atty atop your K101. I'll come right out and call BS if you tell us you blew those clouds out of an iClear.
  2. Where did you get those Vispera? Those are kickazz!
  3. Yaaay! You're NOT butane challenged! Just a little misunderstanding between woman and torch!
  4. Get your kanthal here: http://www.temcoindustrialpower.com/search.html?&category=Resistance_Wire&c=0002000 Its the cheapest and free shipping!
  5. Were you staying hydrated? Vaping pulls a LOT of fluid out of you. I drink around a gallon of water a day. You dont have to drink that much, but for me being a trucker, it keeps the mt dew, dehydration, and vapers tongue at bay.
  6. Yessir! Comp, you are a real class act man! This is why I love this forum! There's no animosity! Bcarter you hit the nail on the head!
  7. I think I'm gonna stay with the allen screws. They dont seem to back off when building. Since the cloned posts are crome plated brass, they are easy to drill out bigger for duals and quads.
  8. They're really hard to come by. They sold out just about everywhere within minutes. The Helios clone has the same post setup as the Brass Monkee and it can be had at fasttech for around $8
  9. I have a couple of Nimbus clones that do really well. It all depends. My auth rdas have a better quality to them but honestly, I seem to use my clone rdas more. It may just be that I have a different coil setup in each of them. My Patriot is what I use for "Cloud Chasing" and my clones are mostly flavor built coils. My advice, don't get too hung up on clone vs not clone when it comes to rda's and rba's. It's "usually" all in how you build your coils
  10. The AR mod at vapor-hub.com is my go to mech.
  11. Dude! No meter, no vape! Never vape a coil you havent metered first. Like Happy said, thats a good way to garner the wrong attention to vaping when that battery gasses and blows shards of that Patriot atty and K101 mod thru your skull.
  12. My best advice to you would be, try learning how to rebuild the coil in a kanger protank coil head. Thats where I started. That way, you dont have to go all out into mechs and rdas/rbas. As long as you keep your builds at or above 1.2ohms you'll be fine when using ego style batteries or a regulated vv/vw device.
  13. I'm down to around a 3mg for cloud chasing, but still at 18 to 12 in my kpt2 and iclear 30
  14. Since my wife and I built our house in 2011, we've never smoked in it. Either we went out on the back porch or in the garage. But, now that I'm vaping, she'll let me do it in the house as long as I'm only using my MVP or ego style devices. I got to blow 1 cloud in the house using my mech mod and dripper setup. After that, she said "no clouds in the house!". So, I take my chasing equipment out to the garage.
  15. There's a difference between seeing "some" vapor and cloud chasing. Cloud chasing is the deliberate act of building your own coils purposely to blow enormous amounts of vapor.
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