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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. My iphone camera sux! I'll have to have my wife take some picks this w/e.
  2. You're welcome bro! I came across that site while I was looking for something else and those jumped out at me. I figured I'd bookmark it just in case. Lol!
  3. I'm currently running a single coil twisted 28g nano/dragon wicked in my igo-w3 with the airflow wide open and she works great!
  4. If you ever rip the little rubber grommets you can get them here: http://lightning-vapes.myshopify.com/products/resistance-coil-insulator-10-pack-ce-type-atty-s-eg-protank-evod-t3-etc
  5. @Rcam, the problem is, they're not making a killing when you factor in business licensing, federal and state taxes, building rent, employee paychecks, electricity, water. Etc... I know 2 owners of B&M's personally. Trust me when I tell you, they aren't getting rich off of their passion for vaping. 1 of my friends is making a little less after all overhead and exspenses than when he was working his old job.
  6. The evolution from flashlights to "mechanical mods" are the reason we call them "mods" today. They were "modifying/modding" flashlights. Viólá!
  7. @Joe, are u wrapping that on a machine screw? If so, what size? Thats a nice looking coil. Very uniform! Its dang near impossible to get a spaced coil to look like that without using a screw as a guide. Lol
  8. I'm fine with what I have now, but really gonna keep my eye out for one that reads out to 0.001 though. If I come across one, I'll let ya know!
  9. Yeah... I'm not buying an actual Fluke meter. I have a decent multimeter, but its sooo darn cumbersome using while I'm building coils. Lol
  10. I've searched everywhere for em. That site i linked is the only one thst I've seen that goes that low. If I were more electronically inclined, i'd just build one. But alas, I'd just wind up hurting myself with a soldering iron. Lol
  11. I want this one: http://store.tlcvapes.com/accessories/cartomizer-and-atomizer-ohm-meter/ It supposed to be accurate to 0.005ohm or 0.2% But they're outta stock
  12. I'd like to find one that reads down to the thousandths 0.009 Not that i'd ever build that low. Just wNt somethig that readz something like 0.123
  13. No, i got my second one from a B&M in Indy.
  14. Ah. You answered my question before i could get it posted. Lol
  15. I agree on the no go. Does your ohm checker register into the hundredths? Like 0.09? I had to get a different ohm checker a couple weeks ago because it only read to the tenths and when i built coils below 0.20 it would show up as 0.0
  16. What batt are you using? I'm running a super subohm 0.18 on my sony vtc4 30a with no problems
  17. Did a 4/3wrap of parallel 28g single came out to 0.4ohm Throwing vapor out! Burns thru liquid REALLY quick! Can only get 3, 4second pulls before needing to redrip
  18. Lmao! Thanks Comp! Sometimes my brain cells align just right!
  19. You are more than welcome! Think of mechs like a flashlight: drop in a batt and light it up. If there's a short... Failure! APVs would be akin to a dimmer switch on ur wall: turn the switch on and turn tge dial to ur prefered light setting. If there's a short... Ur breaker trips in ur breaker box, keeping ur house from burning down.
  20. The APV is advanced in that it has a PCB for the VV/VW function. The Mech mods have a direct battery connection in the device an no VV/VW function unless a "Kick" is installed in line with the battery. Also, the APV generally have a hard short protection, battery discharge protection. Whereas the mechs do not. Which is why we HIGHLY discourage noobs from mechs till they get more knowledge.
  21. Pretty good builds BC! 3 points however. 1st, your coils could be pinched tighter just a bit. Take out the wicks, then pulse burn em till they glow a bit and pinch em with tweezers. Do this till they glow from inside out. 2nd, technically what those 3 are, are RDA's. RBA's are your tank style attys such as genesis and kayfun style attys. 3rd, this thread could have gone in the "hardware specific" under rebuildable atomizer section. No harm though. Looks good. Keep up the good job, be safe, and Happy Vaping!
  22. I have a couple sony's and 4 samsungs. Getting ready to get some 26650 sony's and MNKE's for my Hades clone that I just preordered.
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