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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Its when you no longer taste the flavors of your juices. This usually occurs because you become dehydrated. Vaping draws a LOT of moisture from the body, so drink plenty of water.
  2. Dang! Thats really low for a PCB regulated mod! May have to check it out! Even at .5, its still a good device for people looking to get into rebuildable attys
  3. My wife is gonna kill me, but... I'M IN! I WANT ONE!
  4. It's a neat idea, but I can't find how low it will go. I know its designed for going UNDER 1.8, but how far under? Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think even the DNAs have a lower end limit just to protect the battery. That being said, it's really neat. If it went down to 0.4, thats pretty good. I'd probably try it out.
  5. @Rcam, if you're doing it from an iphone, you'll have to d/l TAPATALK app and post pics from there. I had same prob awhile back
  6. Ok, sweet! I just wanted to check. Thanks bro!
  7. From Fasttech: 1x black Panzer clone 3x Helios clones 5x Patriot Foggy clones From 101vapes.com 1x Hades clone w/26650 batt From PerfectionVapes 1x Ohm meter (accurate to 0.005ohm) From Temco 1x 100ft 0.9 kanthal ribbon wire 1x 100ft 22g kanthal 1x 100fy 24g kanthal 1x 100ft 26g kanthal From Congrevape 1x 3d AutoDripper
  8. Well, then I guess I'm not gonna be playing Santa or Gandalf anytime soon then. I'll be 39 this year and just started graying. My paternal Grandfather never had a gray hair up to his dying day. Same for my dad. My maternal grandfather went gray about the same as you. Don't know about my mom though. I don't even know what her real hair color is. Lol
  9. Quite possible! I have 1 thats defective thats in my exclusion "safe" bag. Its the same kind of bag I put my Li-Po batts I use in my R/C heli's in when charging.
  10. I dig it bro! Just starting to get my grays in! I think my daughters are causing it! Lol
  11. Dark spots are a no go! Its what I call a "soft vent". Means the battery is leaking and could go critical with a full on "venting" episode. You don't want that in your hand when it goes!
  12. Never heard of it. Where can you get it?
  13. Santa, my azz! Lol! Thats Gandalf!
  14. Very nice bro! I'll have to give it a shot tonite! Thanx for sharing that
  15. I'm not worried about waiting. I'm into the whole "delayed gratification" thing. Lol!
  16. Back to the topic, I'm getting the black Panzer clone and the copper Nemesis clone. I just put in my preorder for the brushed Hades clone with 101vapes as well!
  17. I've drilled out every RDA I've got except for my igo-w3
  18. Also, they're good to replace, if you've dry burn em too much. That tends to weaken the rubber and sometimes melt em a little, which causes a nasty prevailing taste over the juices.
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