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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Got my .9 ribbon and 26g in. Twisted up some tiger's and... WOW! Awesome vapor without loosing flavor! Much hotter vape too. But, it really burns up the juice! My only problem at this point, is my exhale technique. I watched Leo S on youtube and tried to learn. I think I'm handicapped in this though. I'm missing the lower half of my right lung due to service connected disability. I'm gonna keep working on my cloud chasing skills, but I may never get the distance everyone else is.
  2. I really dig that idea of the patina finish Medic! Looking forward to seeing the build progress!
  3. Nicole, first off, Welcome to Vapor Talk! Second, how long have you been vaping for and off the analogs (cigs)? What nicotine level are you at? A higher nic level and a higher PG ratio will give a stronger throat hit that may cause coughing. It took me about a month or so for my body to get rid of all that tar in my lungs and finally get rid of my smokers cough. I also had to adjust my pg/vg ratio and nic level to get my nic-fix and throat hit without making my cough.
  4. I like to use alcohol for getting the gunk off of my brain after a long week of driving in Oklahoma and Texas! Lmao!
  5. As far as OP is concerned... The benefit of high VG is, as you can tell, subjective! If you're using Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers (RDAs), then high VG juices are preferable for exhaling large amounts of vapor! If flavor is where you're headed, then go with a higher PG ratio. The PG carries the flavor and throat hit, whereas the VG carries the vapor and sweetness. If you are using standard Kanger coils (i.e. stock,not rebuilt), they don't like to wick high VG juices as fast as 50/50 or higher PG, you may wind up with dry hits. I hope this helps
  6. Hey, they may be more than what you'd planned, but you'll vaping in pimp style! Their tanks are friggin sweet!
  7. Okay, here's the deal! Regardless of wicking material, there's a few things to consider. If you're looking for the " BIG" clouds, then a higher VG juice is needed! That being said, a few things to consider: 1. Remember that PG is what carries the flavor 2. Even vendors that offer 100% vg, often means that the nic base is 100%, but the flavor they add is not added in their description in relation to percentages and thus will alter the "actual/real" vg percent number. 3. There is a "trade-off" of flavor for vapor when "cloud chasing". This all depends on the manufacturer of the juice. You may experience "HUGE" clouds and only marginally flavorful taste. It may often just taste sweet. In that case, you're mostly just tasting the natural sweetness that is inherent in VG. 4. If the above suggestions are a concern for you, consider dropping nic to 0 and increasing PG/VG ratio to a little higher PG to keep the flavor and vapor. These are only my suggestions and in NO WAY are facts. These are meant to be helpful from my experience only! Your's may vary. Experiment and have fun! Happy vaping!
  8. That sux bro! I feel ya! Hope they can un-screw themselves sooner rather than later! Good luck!
  9. I flip thru 5-7 flavs a day just to keep it interesting. I have a total of 18 flavs on hand to make up the 5-7 I rotate from.
  10. Example: wrap 4, space a little, wrap another 4. Keep rod/drill bit inserted in first 4, take tweezers and GENTLY rotate other 4 over to make a pair of 4's side by side vertical like. I hope this helps.
  11. I've found, by wiping the apv with an alcohol wipe and letting dry, the wrap sticks perfectly.
  12. It's not uncommon for ohms to increase after vaping, but not sure what the ohms drop was all about.lol
  13. Got my kanthal 0.9 ribbon and 26g wire today. Just waiting on Temco to produce more 22g and mail it out!
  14. Ummm... Things we don't talk sbout here due to the T&C.
  15. L2VD, just to the left of the text block should be a + sign. Click that, then it should add icons above the text block. The left most icon should be a camera for taking a pic. The next one should be what looks like a mountain, for choosing a pic that you already took. Hope that helps bro!
  16. Yeah! What Tam asked ^^^. You're gonna wanna load up bro! I put the fear of God in my twins' boyfriends! Lol
  17. Kpt's and the like CAN be used on mech mods, however they do better with a rebuilt coil in the sub-ohm area.
  18. Incredible article Comp!!! Thanks for posting it! I recommend pinning it! Lol
  19. Is this your first child and/or daughter? My twin girls changed my life! Little girls will to that to a daddy!
  20. Let's point to some obvious idiocy: Lawmakers across the country are now looking at new regulations that would require child-proof caps on the vials. That's the last paragraph of the story. Lets move back to the headline and another excerpt: Teens Drink Liquid Nicotine (and) Teens have reportedly been drinking the nicotine on purpose in some instances, mixing it with energy drinks to get a quick high. Could someone, ANYONE, tell me, how the F are child proof caps gonna help?!
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