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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. That is completely insane! I dig it
  2. Well, I know Proetus is building a few. And Compenstine is building a couple, but his are gonna be a bit pricier due to the rarity of the wood he'll be using. Might wanna PM either of them and see if they have an opening on the list. I got in on Compenstine's build. It may be a few months, but I'm super stoked!
  3. AND, you can customize it by ohms too, correct?
  4. Be safe on your trip Aufin! I used to be a "heavy hauler back when I owned my own truck. I miss it somedays.
  5. The MVP will not fire below 1.1 If its giving you error msgs, plug it in for a full charge cycle (till the green light goes out). Then try your stock PT3 coils. Your 1.7 kayfun may not be making good battery connection
  6. Fishguy, I know that was a little levity there, but that brings up another important point. Thanks If its raining hard enough to use your windshield wipers, turn your headlights on. Our tires kick up a lot of spray from the road and we may not see a smaller vehicle coming up on our sides if you don't have your lights on.
  7. http://www.avejuice.com/verify.php
  8. That is correct. It could also mean that someone has bought new flavors and has decided to swap out the old for the new.
  9. Yeah... Never order batteries from fasttech. It'll go to that special place in hell called Customs
  10. If you are looking for fast, then fasttech isnt for you. Their prods ship from shenzen, china on a boat bound for the west coast. There is nothing fast about fasttech! Lol With that being said, they have A LOT of stuff at rock bottom prices, IF you are willing to wait for it. I have a few items I ordered recently that haven't shipped yet. But, I'm a very patient person. If its something you have to have right now, find a B&M or online vendor you trust and pay the higher prices they will surely have
  11. Yeah, get em from Fadoravapor! I'm probably gonna grab some from him too in a week or two! Gotta give love to our venerable Compenstine! You're the man, Comp!
  12. Oh, trust me I do. One of my daughters is heavy into steampunk. She got me into it. So, now I get a bunch of stuff and she makes steampunk jewelry and boxes and stuff.
  13. Sweet! I've been hitting up my local watch and clock repair shop, but have pretty much bought him out of all his junk. Lol I'll have to give ebay a look-see!
  14. I can't work with one that clamps to the table. I need one handheld. As a big rig driver, I'm limited to something I can throw in my tackle box and pull out and start wrapping coils at the end of the day.
  15. STEAMPUNK BABY! Where did you find those little jewels? Got a link? I'm always on the look out for steampunk stuff.
  16. Check out the larger Stingray mod for 26650 batts. $44, so, I imagine this is an oversized clone, but pretty neat! Silver coated copper pins and magnetic switch. http://congrevape.com/projects/copper-black-stingray-26650/ I would be willing to bet we'll start seeing more 26650 oversized replicas soon
  17. Shoot, if that were the case for me, I'd be bald with snow white beard! Lol I'm 38 and on my 3rd wife! But, she makes my life worth living just that much more! She's my best friend! In May we'll celebrate 9 years of marriage!
  18. Bought 2 15mls of juice from Comp at Fadoravapor! Apple cider and Spiced apple. Superb service! Thanks Comp! Can't wait to get home next weekend and crack em open!
  19. That is kickazz Vispera! Well played sir!
  20. Yeah. I told Comp that when I get my order of his juices in, I'd post some reviews and pics (maybe even a vid) of me cloud chasin'. Gonna try and chuck the vapor on my rockin' azz Tiger coils!
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