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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Lmao! Glenlivet or Glenfiddich! And as a Trucker, I do travel! Lmao!
  2. Fishguy, you are going about it the right way! I appreciate your search for knowledge before jumping into things. There are far too many people who want to put the cart before the horse. When your ready, we'll be here to help!
  3. Can we move this thread to hardware specific?
  4. Yes and no. Lol! I try to just list the bigger number. It's too confusing to always be saying, 6/5 or 12/11, and also because I sometimes do builds where the leads are opposing for certain devices. So, in closing, just take the larger number. When you do start building, get an ohms meter and a few different size rods or drill bits and just experiment with numbers of wraps on varying size rod and check em. You'll get the gist of just how much or little an extra wrap will change the ohms.
  5. If you do it just right, you may be able to get a little on the bottom and around the outside edge of it.
  6. When you wrap a coil, there will be 1 more wrap on one side vs the other. If you wrap a coil, abd both leads are pointing down, there will be more wraps on top than if you had the leads pointing up. Make sense? Hope it helped
  7. Wife called and said my order from Fadoravapors came in! 1x 15ml Apple Cider, 1x 15ml Spiced Appple, 1x 10ml Cinnamon Stick @0nic 100vg for cloud chasing, AND 1x 10ml Mystery Juice!!! My wife won't tell me what it is. Comp... I can't wait to vape em and throw you a review or 4! Thanks buddy!
  8. I'd wrap the center as a super nano and outer as a micro. Might give more room for wicking
  9. The leads would def be pointed in the right direction! But what about the coil size? Would that fit in a PT head?
  10. Your APV won't sub ohm. There's a learning curve to building coils and a BIG learning curve to sub ohming. If you're new to vaping, I recommend sticking to what you have for a little while, while you do some research into mods, battery safety, coil building, rda's, and rba's. There's a plethora of info here. Just read thru all the pinned threads on the "Hardware Specific" sub forums, and then read thru some of the other threads.
  11. Youtube Riptrippers. He's done a vid on kanger coils.
  12. Got a crazy idea for a coil build, but I have to wait till I get home. Its gonna require a specialty tool. I'm hoping it works! I'm not gonna give it away just yet, but I'll post some pics on saturday or sunday.
  13. Good read Jeff! It still amazes me however, that so many of the "experts" are so woefully ignorant. They say, it "could" do this or that, but they spend their time denouncing the product instead of doing ACTUAL hard science.
  14. Lol! Use tapatalk for pics. I've found that works better
  15. Lol! I try my best to proof it before I post! Had to turn off my autocorrect though, cell has an expanded dirty vocab now. Don't need the asterisk police on me! Lol
  16. Sweet! Can't wait to see it and try to duplicate it! I'm not much good with coming up on ideas for new builds. I guess youd need a tapered rod for wrapping them?
  17. Just doing the hunt and peck with one finger on my phone! Lol ( Betsy the Goat showed me how)
  18. Got go up to the next level if you wanna jump outta the window! Lol
  19. I'm may try it with tiger wire! Lol
  20. I don't think thats what he is saying. I think he's saying... THEY SUCK! Lol
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