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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Ummm, welcome. Interesting user name.
  2. Please give us a primer if you will. I've only ever steeped by leaving the juices on my work bench with the caps off. Is there anything special that you'd recommend?
  3. I'm currently loving a 26g 4wrap dual coil vertical (single strand) setup with cotton U-wick @ 0.26 ohms. Simple, yet effective.
  4. I am sooo sorry Tam! I wish that hadn't happened to you. *HUGS*
  5. Just ordered a 1x 30ml Spiced Apple, 1x 15ml Cinnamon Camomile, 1x 15ml Mellow Spice from Fadoravapor.com!
  6. Its okay Tam! Take a load off and let it steep! Even if its an excuse, make it an excuse that'll make you feel better! Lol! My psych prof used to say, " Fake it till you make it!". Words to live by! Lol
  7. Have you tried reducing your juice by half with 100% VG? You can pick it up at your local pharmacy. I have a couple bottles to reduce my other brands just to knock down the pg throat hit
  8. Btw, ALL of the juices you sent me are really creating the massive clouds! I have 5 Patriot foggy's and 3 Helios clones on the way and I jope to load each one with a different flavor of yours! I've never tasted juices with such authenticity!
  9. Yeah. The Bethesda Naval Hospital figured I could do without the bottom half of my right lung. Lol! But, to be honest, since I quit smoking, it feels as though it were still there! I can breath sooo much better now! I don't have 100% capacity anymore, but I don't get winded either. I'm just happy to be alive and SMOKE FREE!
  10. You are the MAN B! I hope to join that 1 year group in another 7 months!
  11. I get super dense vapor, but I can't blow distance
  12. Here's my very first uploaded video!
  13. Ok, so my idea was a flop. But here is a pic of the coil itself It just takes too long to heat up and it was too big to fit under the cap of my patriot
  14. Apple Cider by Fadoravapor.com. I have his Spiced Apple, Buttered Popcorn, and Cinnamon Stick. They are all phenomenal! But I think the Apple Cider is my new ADV
  15. Will, while I appreciate your indepth knowledge, those graphs are gobbledy-guk to me. I have to tell you that those samsungs you are so proud of start getting very hot when I'm sub ohming. I no longer use them for any builds lower than 0.8. Your stats may show better results, but I won't put my safety second to those graphs. My sony VTC4's may not be shown in a good light in any of the stats you have, but they don't get hot when I'm down into the 0.3 and below range. And I haven't noticed any appreciable lack of performance. Just my 2cents
  16. Wait till I post pic tomorrow! (I'm gonna have the wife take em and some video too) lol
  17. In the voice of Homer Simpson, "Mmm Scotch"! Lol
  18. Jeffb doesn't chime in often, but when does, he speaks wisdom! Lol
  19. Sorry, this is what happens when I have a double of my fave Scotch! I'm super loopy!
  20. I'm gonna be putting a bug in his ear about... But that would be telling! Not so fast! Lol. I haven't even asked him yet!
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