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Everything posted by Joshuab3687

  1. Thats not on the list of choices for my girls. Lol! But I rarely have to get onto them about anything. They have a healthy dose of respect (or fear) for their mom, me, and their stepmom. They don't like it when I have to be Sergeant A-hole.
  2. Awesome Tam! Are you still mad at me for getting your wallet out for you? I just KNEW you'd be happy with it!!!
  3. My girls get a choice... Do it or... Do it! Lol
  4. Where are you up north? I plan on getting up to Grand Rapids, MI in a few months to meet up with some of our esteemed members here. I'll buy ya a beer! I gots love for northerners. Its just that food doesn't last long around me! Lol
  5. BTW, I wanted to male it known, that I have a trainee with me. So, I don't want anyone thinking that I'm posting and driving! The motoring public's safety is paramount to me!
  6. No can do Fishman! It wouldn't last to the nearest county line! Lol
  7. My holes are drilled out too large for mouth to lung on my rda's
  8. Mouth to lung on the clearo's, staight lung on my rda's
  9. I agree with ya Fish! 18 y/o looking for down low advice, gets unanimous condemnation... I'm pretty sure he doesn't come back
  10. I know. I read your other post. No biggie. This is just here for showing vapor production. Lol
  11. You have to copy the BB code and paste it into your signature line in your edit profile mode
  12. After an exhasting wait to get unloaded, I'm now on the east side of Houston, picking up a load of drilling pipe going to Midland, Texas for delivery tomorrow. And I know that I'll most likely pick up a load out of Rotan, TX after that. Probably back to the Austin, TX area. Once they get me in Texas, like to keep me here till its time to go home! Lol
  13. Welcome to VaporTalk! You'll find a lot of knowledgable people here to help in anyway they can. It sounds like you got yourself a pretty good setup! Good for you! Just be easy on those Protanks! Lol!
  14. And then add in the fact that the mainstream media is in the governments pocket, they are gonna report what they are told too. Investigative journalism is dead. Along with extrapolative thought, common sense, and integrity.
  15. Yeah, I'll be getting up at 6:40 CST and rolling out by 7
  16. Made it to a truckstop just south of Dallas! 195 miles from Houston. By the time I get there, morning rush hour will have thinned down. I wonder what my next load will be and where it'll be headed? Doesn't matter to me. As long as I'm moving, I'll be happy! Lol
  17. I-45 is a highway I travel very frequently. I have several places (truckstops) that I have in mind. If I get there and any of them are full, I know of a few places that aren't truckstops I can park in. Our company has a contract to haul Home Depot and Lowes loads, so if I need too, I can park at one of those as well.
  18. From my house to Houston is gonna be about 13 hours. I can only legally drive a max of 11 in a day. I'll be heading out around noon or so and probably stop somewhere just south of Dallas on I-45. Then get up in the morning and head the rest of the way in.
  19. Just thought I'd start this thread to update my daily travels. As of today, I'm at home in Northwest Arkansas. I'll be heading out tomorrow, bound for Houston to deliver on Monday. I'll try and update daily. Maybe if I'm in your area we can meet up and have a mini "Vape 'N' Greet"!
  20. All hail, " Fear The Dragon"! Lol Hey, btw, when can we start expecting some shirts?! Lmao. Just yankin yer chain bro! Lol
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